[comp.sys.amiga] MRBackup v1.3 Source, Part 1 of 5

mrr@softie.UUCP (09/26/87)

# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file"
# Created Fri Sep 25 07:25:39 1987
# This archive contains:
#		About.c
#		Backup.c
#		Compress.c
echo "Creating About.c"
cat > About.c <<"***EOF About.c***"
/* About.c: Tell the user a little about MRBackup. */

static char *abouts[] = {
"This is MRBackup, a hard disk backup utility written by Mark Rinfret.\n",
"This program allows you to perform complete or incremental backups.\n",
"Data compression / decompression are provided to economize on floppies.\n",
"If you find this program useful or if you have any suggestions,\n",
"Send the author mail at the following addresses:\n",
"    Mark R. Rinfret\n",
"    348 Indian Avenue\n",
"    Portsmouth, Rhode Island 02871\n\n",
"    or, UseNet: mark@unisec.USI.COM\n",
(char *) 0L};

	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) WriteConsole("\n");
	for (i = 0;abouts[i];++i) {
		if (!do_speech) Delay(30L); /* little over 1/2 second */
***EOF About.c***
echo "Creating Backup.c"
cat > Backup.c <<"***EOF Backup.c***"
/* MRBackup: Backup Routines
 * Filename:	Backup.c
 * Author:		Mark R. Rinfret
 * Date:		09/04/87
 * History:		(most recent change first)
 * 09/04/87 -MRR- This package was (finally) extracted from Main.c.

#define MAIN

#include "MRBackup.h"

/* Add a file/directory name to the list.
 * Called with:
 *		name:		filename string
 *		FIB:		pointer to FileInfoBlock for this file or NULL.
 *					If NULL, file is starting directory.
 *		list:		address of list header
 * Returns:
 *		0	=> success, failure status otherwise
 * Notes:
 *		The filename string MUST NOT contain the volume component,
 *		since it is used to build both source and destination
 *		pathnames.  Also note that this routine inserts the name
 *		into the list in sorted order (case sensitive).  Though this
 *		changes the "natural order" of the files, it makes them 
 *		easier to locate on the backup disks.

AddFile(name, FIB, list)
	char *name; struct FileInfoBlock *FIB; T_FILE_LIST *list;
	USHORT blks;
	T_FILE *fnode, *tnode;

	/* See if the exclude list exists, and if it does, see if
	 * the name can be matched by one of the patterns.

	if (excludelist) {
		if (CheckExclude(name)) {
			sprintf(conmsg,"Excluding %s\n", name);
			return 0;

	if (!(fnode = (T_FILE *) calloc(1,sizeof(T_FILE)))) {
		TypeAndSpeak("AddFile: Out of memory!\n");
	if (!(fnode->filename = calloc(1, strlen(name)+1))) 
		goto nomem;
	strcpy(fnode->filename, name);		/* copy the filename */

	if (!FIB) {
		blks = 1;
		fnode->is_dir = true;
	else if (fnode->is_dir = (FIB->fib_DirEntryType >= 0) )
		blks = 1;				/* assume 1 block for directory */
	else {
		blks = ((FIB->fib_Size/488)+2);	/* compute file size in blocks */
		blks += (blks/70);
	fnode->blocks = blks;

	if (!list->first_file) {			/* file list is empty? */
		list->first_file = fnode;		/* this is the new head */
	else {
		/* Find the insertion point for this file. */

		for (tnode = list->first_file; tnode; tnode = tnode->next) {
			if (strcmp(fnode->filename, tnode->filename) <= 0) {
				fnode->next = tnode;	/* insert it here */
				if (tnode->previous)
					tnode->previous->next = fnode;
				fnode->previous = tnode->previous;
				tnode->previous = fnode;
				if (list->first_file == tnode)
					list->first_file = fnode;
				return 0;

		/* append to the end of the list */

		fnode->previous = list->last_file;
		list->last_file->next = fnode;
	list->last_file = fnode;
	return 0;
/* Main backup routine. */

	int compare_flag, status = 0;

	Speak("O K,  I'm ready.  Lets back up your disk!");
	main_list.first_file = main_list.last_file = current_dir = NULL;

	if (do_listing) 
		if ( OpenList(listpath) ) return;

	/* Get the file comparison date.  Only files created on or after
	 * this date are backed up.
	do {
		*since = *now;
		since->ds_Days -= 1;		/* default interval is 1 day */
		since->ds_Minute = 0;
		since->ds_Tick = 0;
		Speak("Enter the date since your last backup.");
		DateRequest(mywindow, "Backup files since:",since, since);
		if ( (compare_flag = CompareDS(since, now) ) >= 0) 
	} while (compare_flag >= 0);

	BreakPath(homepath, srcvol, srcpath);
	BreakPath(backpath, destdrive, destpath);

#ifdef DEBUG
	sprintf(debugmsg, "destdrive = %s, destpath = %s\n",destdrive,destpath);
	sprintf(debugmsg, "srcvol = %s, srcpath = %s\n", srcvol,srcpath);

	if (*destpath) {
			"On a backup, the backup path must only be a device name");
		status = ERR_ABORT;
		goto done;

	if (*excludepath)
		if (GetExcludes()) goto done;

	level = 0;
	back = 0;
	size = 0;
	if (*srcpath) {				/* starting path is a directory */
		status = AddFile(srcpath, NULL, &main_list);
	else						/* starting path is a device */
		status = CollectFiles(srcpath,&main_list);

	if (!status) {
		while (main_list.first_file) {	/* while something in the list */
			if (status = BackupFiles(&main_list)) 	break;
			if (status = BackupDirs(&main_list)) 	break;
	if (status == 0) {
		TypeAndSpeak("That was a piece of cake.\n");
	else {
		sprintf(conmsg,"Oops!  Backup terminated with error %d.\n",status);

/* Process the next directory in the file list.
 * This routine is recursive.
 * Called with:
 *		list:		file list to be processed
 * Returns:
 *		status code	(0 => success)

	T_FILE_LIST *list;
	T_FILE *dirnode;
	T_FILE *saved_current_dir;
	int 	status = 0;
	T_FILE_LIST sublist;				/* subdirectory list header */

	sublist.first_file = sublist.last_file = NULL;
	saved_current_dir = current_dir;	/* remember current context */

/* There are a couple of things to note here.  The first is that once
 * we have reached here, there should be NO simple file nodes in "list".
 * That currently is not handled as an error, but probably should be.
 * Second, since this scan modifies the list, a removal of a directory
 * node starts the scan at the beginning of the list since we shouldn't
 * reference the links in the node we're removing.  Since we should be
 * removing the first node in the list anyway, who cares?
	for (dirnode = list->first_file; dirnode; ) {
		if (dirnode->is_dir) {			/* found one */
			current_dir = dirnode;		/* set current directory */
			RemFile(dirnode, list);
			if (status = NewDir(current_dir->filename)) break;
			if (status = CollectFiles(current_dir->filename,&sublist)) 
			if (status = BackupFiles(&sublist)) break;
			if (status = BackupDirs(&sublist))  break;
			dirnode = list->first_file;
		else							/* should never get here !!! */
			dirnode = dirnode->next;
	current_dir = saved_current_dir;
	return status;
/* Backup all simple files in the current list.
 * Called with:
 *		list:		file list header
 * Returns:
 *		status code (0 => success)
	T_FILE_LIST *list;
	T_FILE *primary, *secondary;
	int status = 0;

/* The following loop continually scans the file list (from the front),
 * looking for more file entries to process.  If the primary choice
 * fails, an attempt is made to find a file which will fit in the
 * space remaining.  If that attempt fails, then a new disk is formatted.

	while (primary = FindFile(list,false)) {/* find next file to process */
		if (primary->blocks >= size) { 	/* file doesn't fit */
			if (!(secondary = FindFile(list,true))) {
				/* At this point, we know that there's at least one
				 * file to back up, but none that fit.  Start a new
				 * disk.
				if (status = NewDisk(true)) return status;
				continue;				/* try that file again */
			primary = secondary;		/* use second choice */
		if (status = DoFile(primary)) return status;
		RemFile(primary,list);			/* delete the node */
	if (current_dir) {					/* forget current directory */
		current_dir = NULL;
	return status;
/* Check the file name about to be added against the exclude patterns.
 * Called with:
 *		name:	pathname to be checked
 * Returns:
 *		0 => no match
 *		1 => name was matched, ignore it.

	char *name;
	int match = 0;

	for (p = excludelist; p; p = p->next_pattern) {
		if (match = wildcmp(p->pattern, name)) break;
	return match;

/* Check the current number of disk blocks (size) available.  If
 * less than 1, it's time to format a new disk.
 * Called with:
 *		create_dir:		true => OK to create continuation directory
 * Returns:
 *		0 => success
 *		1 => failure

	int create_dir;
	if (size > 0) return 0;
	return NewDisk(create_dir);
/* Collect file names from a starting path.
 * Called with:
 *		name:		starting pathname
 *						Note that name may be a null string when copying
 *						the entire home device.
 *		list:		pointer to file list header
 * Returns:
 *		status code (0 => success)
 * Notes:
 *		CollectFiles attempts to collect all file and directory names
 *		for a given level, starting with "name".  If a simple filename
 *		is given as a starting path, only that name will be collected.
 *		If a directory name is given, then all pathnames contained
 *		within that directory (only) will be collected.  For each
 *		directory name collected, CollectFiles will be called again to
 *		collect files for that particular directory.  This iterative
 *		approach (vs. recursive) saves memory and allows us to maintain
 *		order at each directory level.

CollectFiles(name, list)
	char *name; T_FILE_LIST *list;
	int     status = 0;
	struct FileInfoBlock   *FIB = NULL;
	T_FILE *fnode;			/* file descriptor node */
    struct Lock *lock = NULL;	
	char path[PATH_MAX+1];
	USHORT top_level;

#ifdef DEBUG
	sprintf(debugmsg,"Collecting files from %s\n",name);

	top_level = (*name == '\0');	/* empty name implies top level */

	if (!(FIB =
		AllocMem((long)sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock),
		TypeAndSpeak("CollectFiles: Can not allocate memory for FIB\n");

	strcpy(path,srcvol);			/* rebuild current home path */
	strcat(path, name);

	if (!(lock=Lock(path,SHARED_LOCK))) {
		status = IoErr();
		sprintf(conmsg,"CollectFiles can not lock %s; error %d\n",
			path, status);
		goto out2;

	if ((Examine(lock,FIB))==0){
		status = IoErr();
		sprintf(conmsg,"CollectFiles can not examine %s; error: %d\n",
				name, status);
		goto out2;

	if (FIB->fib_DirEntryType > 0){	/* "name" is a directory */

		while(!status && ExNext(lock,FIB)) {
			if (FIB->fib_DirEntryType < 0) {
				if (CompareDS(&FIB->fib_Date, since) < 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
					sprintf(debugmsg,"Skipping %s\n",
			if (top_level)
				*path = '\0';
			else {
			status = AddFile(path, FIB, list);
		/* !!! Need check here for ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES */
	else {
		if ( CompareDS(&FIB->fib_Date, since ) >= 0 ) 
			status = AddFile(name, FIB, list);
	FreeMem(FIB, (long)sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock) );

	/* Don't give up if somebody else is using the file - just
	 * ignore the error.  The user can cancel us if there's a
	 * problem.

	if (status == ERROR_OBJECT_IN_USE)
		status = 0;
	return status;
/* Process one file.
 * Called with:
 *		fnode:			node describing file
 * Returns:
 *		0	=> success
 *		1	=> failure
	T_FILE *fnode;
#define MAX_RETRY	3

	int     status = ERR_NONE;
	char    destname[PATH_MAX+1];
	int		oldsize;
	USHORT 	retries = 0;
	char	srcname[PATH_MAX+1];

	oldsize = size;
	size -= fnode->blocks;			/* deduct blocks for file */
	if (CheckSize(true))			/* check disk space */
		return ERR_ABORT;

	if (size > oldsize)				/* we just formatted */
		oldsize = size;

/*#define NOCOPY*/						/* for fast debugging */
	do {
		if (status = CheckStop())	/* does user want out? */
			return status;

		sprintf(conmsg,"Blocks left: %5d   ",oldsize);
		if ( !do_compress || IsCompressed(srcname) || fnode->blocks < 4){
			sprintf(conmsg,"Copying %s\n",srcname);
#ifndef NOCOPY
			status = CopyFile(srcname,destname);
		else {
			sprintf(conmsg,"Compressing %s\n",srcname);
#ifndef NOCOPY
			if (!(status = compress(srcname,destname)))
				status = CopyFileDate(srcname,destname);
		if (status) {
			status = GetErrOpt("I/O error during copy or compress",
			sprintf(conmsg,"!!!I/O error %d on file %s",status,destname);
			if (++retries <= MAX_RETRY) {
				strcat(conmsg," - retrying this file.\n");
				if (retries == MAX_RETRY) size = 0; /* try new output disk */
				status = ERR_RETRY_FILE;
			else {
				strcat(conmsg," - aborting this file.\n");

/* Note that for now, we will proceed by brute force.  A later revision
 * of this program will provide context-saving so we can restart the
 * series of files on this floppy.
				status = ERR_IGNORE;

	} while (status == ERR_RETRY_FILE && (retries < MAX_RETRY));
	if (status == ERR_IGNORE)
		status = ERR_NONE;

#ifndef NOCOPY
	if (!status){
		if ((size = DiskBlocks(destvol)) < 0)	/* update blocks left */
	return status;
/* Attempt to find a file node in the file list.  If the check_size
 * parameter is true, only look at files which will fit in the space
 * remaining on the disk.
 * Called with:
 *		list:		pointer to file list to be searched
 *		check_size: false => find first file in the list
 *					true  => test space available
 * Returns:
 *		file node or NULL (not found)

T_FILE *FindFile(list,check_size)
	T_FILE_LIST *list; int check_size;
	T_FILE *fnode;

	for (fnode = list->first_file; fnode; fnode = fnode->next) {
		if (!fnode->is_dir) {		/* don't consider directory nodes */
			if (!check_size) break;	/* take this one */
			if (fnode->blocks < size) break;
	return fnode;

/* Free memory allocated to a file node.
 * Called with:
 *		node:	file node
	T_FILE *node;

/* An exclude file pathname has been specified.  Get the patterns it
 * contains.
 * Returns:
 *		status:	0 => success, failure otherwise
	USHORT i, length, nonwild;
	int status = 0;
	char str[PATH_MAX+1];
	FILE *xcld;

	if (! exclude_has_changed)
		return 0;

	if (!(xcld = fopen(excludepath, "r"))) {
			"I couldn't open the exclude pattern file, error %d.", errno);
		return errno;

	/* Release any previous exclude list. */

	for (p = excludelist; p; p = p->next_pattern) {
	excludelist = lastexclude = NULL;

	while (fgets(str, PATH_MAX, xcld)) {
		if (length = strlen(str)) {
			str[length] = '\0';
		if (length && *str != '#') {	/* ignore blank lines and comments */
			nonwild = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
				if (str[i] != '*' && str[i] != '?' && str[i] != '/')
			if (! nonwild ) {
				"Very funny!  %s will exclude everything!  Ha ha ha!\n",
				status = 1;
				goto done;
			p = (T_PATTERN *) calloc(sizeof(T_PATTERN), 1);
			p->pattern = calloc(length+1, 1);
			strcpy(p->pattern, str);
			if ( ! excludelist ) 
				excludelist = p;
				lastexclude->next_pattern = p;
			lastexclude = p;
	if (! status )
		exclude_has_changed = false;
	return status;
/* Format a new diskette.
 * Called with:
 *		create_dir:	true => create continuation directory, if necessary
 * Returns:
 *		false => success
 *		true  => failure

	int create_dir;
	char datestr[20];
	int status = 0;

	if (back)						/* not first disk? */
		Delay(TICKS_PER_SECOND * 5L);	/* let disk buffers flush */

	++back;					/* Increment the volume ID */
	Speak("Attention!  I need a disk for formatting.");
	do {
		if (!RequestDisk(mywindow, destdrive))
			return ERR_ABORT;

	 	/* Don't put the colon in the volume name - 
		 * FormatDisk will happily use it as part of 
		 * the name rather than as a delimiter. 

		DS2Str(datestr, "%02m-%02d-%02y", now);
		sprintf(destvol,"Backup %s.%d", datestr, back);

		if (status = FormatDisk(destdrive,destvol)) {
			TypeAndSpeak("I failed to format the disk.  Sorry.\n");
	} while (status);

	strcat(destvol, ":");			/* add colon */

	if ((size = DiskBlocks(destvol)) < 0)
		status = -size;
		if (create_dir && (current_dir != NULL) )
			status = NewDir(current_dir->filename);

	return status;
/* Remove a file node from the list.
 * Called with:
 *		node:		file node pointer
 *		list:		file list header
 * Returns:
 *		nothing
	T_FILE *node; T_FILE_LIST *list;
	if (node->previous)
		node->previous->next = node->next;

	if (node->next)
		node->next->previous = node->previous;

	if (node == list->first_file)
		list->first_file = node->next;

	if (node == list->last_file)
		list->last_file = node->previous;

	if (!node->is_dir) FreeFile(node);
***EOF Backup.c***
echo "Creating Compress.c"
cat > Compress.c <<"***EOF Compress.c***"
/* MRBackup: File Compression/Decompression Routines
 * Filename:	Compress.c
 * History:		(most recent change first)
 * 09/19/87 -MRR- Fixed bugs in decompression routine, introduced by
 *                new buffering scheme.
 * 09/04/87 -MRR- This package now uses MRBackup's buffer to hold the
 *                compressed data and uses AmigaDOS I/O.

 * Compress.c - data compression/decompression routines.
 * This is an adaptation of the public domain Un*x compress v4.0.

#include "MRBackup.h"

#define	min(a,b)	((a>b) ? b : a)
#define INBUFSIZE	4L*1024L		/* input buffer size */

#ifdef DEBUG
#define DBG(x) x
#define DBG(x)

extern int errno;

 * Set USERMEM to the maximum amount of physical user memory available
 * in bytes.  USERMEM is used to determine the maximum BITS that can be used
 * for compression.
 * SACREDMEM is the amount of physical memory saved for others; compress
 * will hog the rest.
#define SACREDMEM	0

#ifndef USERMEM
# define USERMEM 	450000			/* default user memory */

# define MAXFILES       100			/* arbitrary maximum - see note below */
# define BITS		12				/* > 12 crashes system (?) */
# undef USERMEM
long    filesize();
char   *scdir();

#ifdef USERMEM
# if USERMEM >= (433484+SACREDMEM)
#  define PBITS	16
# else
#  if USERMEM >= (229600+SACREDMEM)
#   define PBITS	15
#  else
#   if USERMEM >= (127536+SACREDMEM)
#    define PBITS	14
#   else
#    if USERMEM >= (73464+SACREDMEM)
#     define PBITS	13
#    else
#     define PBITS	12
#    endif
#   endif
#  endif
# endif
# undef USERMEM
#endif								/* USERMEM */

#ifdef PBITS						/* Preferred BITS for this memory size */
# ifndef BITS
#  define BITS PBITS
# endif BITS
#endif								/* PBITS */

#if BITS == 16
# define HSIZE	69001L				/* 95% occupancy */
#if BITS == 15
# define HSIZE	35023L				/* 94% occupancy */
#if BITS == 14
# define HSIZE	18013L				/* 91% occupancy */
#if BITS == 13
# define HSIZE	9001L				/* 91% occupancy */
#if BITS <= 12
# define HSIZE	5003L				/* 80% occupancy */

 * a code_int must be able to hold 2**BITS values of type int, and also -1
#if BITS > 15
typedef long int    code_int;
typedef int     code_int;

typedef unsigned long int count_int;
typedef unsigned short int count_short;
typedef long int    count_int;

#ifdef NO_UCHAR
typedef char    char_type;
typedef unsigned char   char_type;
#endif								/* UCHAR */
char_type magic_header[]= {
};									/* 1F 9D */

/* Defines for third byte of header */
#define BIT_MASK	0x1f
#define BLOCK_MASK	0x80
/* Masks 0x40 and 0x20 are free.  I think 0x20 should mean that there is
   a fourth header byte (for expansion).
#define INIT_BITS 9					/* initial number of bits/code */

 * compress.c - File compression ala IEEE Computer, June 1984.
 * Authors:	
 *		Spencer W. Thomas	(decvax!harpo!utah-cs!utah-gr!thomas)
 *		Jim McKie			(decvax!mcvax!jim)
 *		Steve Davies		(decvax!vax135!petsd!peora!srd)
 *		Ken Turkowski		(decvax!decwrl!turtlevax!ken)
 *		James A. Woods		(decvax!ihnp4!ames!jaw)
 *		Joe Orost			(decvax!vax135!petsd!joe)
 *		Mark R. Rinfret		(mods) (mark@unisec.USI.COM)

static unsigned endInput;			/* true => input file exhausted */
static int n_bits;					/* number of bits/code */
static int maxbits = BITS;			/* user settable max # bits/code */
static code_int maxcode;			/* maximum code, given n_bits */
static code_int maxmaxcode = 1 << BITS;	/* NEVER generate this code */
#define MAXCODE(n_bits)	((1 << (n_bits)) - 1)

static count_int htab [HSIZE];
static USHORT codetab [HSIZE];
#define htabof(i)		htab[i]
#define codetabof(i)	codetab[i]

static code_int hsize = HSIZE;		/* for dynamic table sizing */
static count_int fsize;

static struct FileHandle *infile, *outfile;
static char iname[256], oname[256];
static UBYTE inbuf[INBUFSIZE], *inbufptr;
static LONG inbufsize;
static UBYTE *outbufptr;

 * To save much memory, we overlay the table used by compress() with those
 * used by decompress().  The tab_prefix table is the same size and type
 * as the codetab.  The tab_suffix table needs 2**BITS characters.  We
 * get this from the beginning of htab.  The output stack uses the rest
 * of htab, and contains characters.  There is plenty of room for any
 * possible stack (stack used to be 8000 characters).

#define tab_prefixof(i)	codetabof(i)
#define tab_suffixof(i)	((char_type *)(htab))[i]
#define de_stack		((char_type *)&tab_suffixof(1<<BITS))

static code_int free_ent = 0;		/* first unused entry */
static int status = 0;

code_int getcode();

static int nomagic = 0;				/* Use a 3-byte magic number header,
									   unless old file */
static int zcat_flg = 0;			/* Write output on stdout, suppress
									   messages */
static int quiet = 1;				/* don't tell me about compression */

 * block compression parameters -- after all codes are used up,
 * and compression rate changes, start over.
static int block_compress = BLOCK_MASK;
static int clear_flg = 0;
static long int ratio = 0;
#define CHECK_GAP 10000				/* ratio check interval */
static count_int checkpoint = CHECK_GAP;
 * the next two codes should not be changed lightly, as they must not
 * lie within the contiguous general code space.
#define FIRST	257					/* first free entry */
#define	CLEAR	256					/* table clear output code */

static int force = 0;
static char ofname [100];
#ifdef DEBUG
static int verbose = 0;
#endif								/* DEBUG */
int     (*bgnd_flag)();

static int do_decomp = 0;
static int offset;
static LONG in_count;				/* length of input */
static LONG bytes_out;				/* length of compressed output */
static LONG out_count;				/* # of codes output (for debugging) */
static LONG outbufcount;			/* # bytes in output buffer */
 * Algorithm from "A Technique for High Performance Data Compression",
 * Terry A. Welch, IEEE Computer Vol 17, No 6 (June 1984), pp 8-19.
 * Algorithm:
 * Modified Lempel-Ziv method (LZW).  Basically finds common
 * substrings and replaces them with a variable size code.  This is
 * deterministic, and can be done on the fly.  Thus, the decompression
 * procedure needs no input table, but tracks the way the table was built.

static void
	if(maxbits < INIT_BITS)
		maxbits = INIT_BITS;
	if (maxbits > BITS)
		maxbits = BITS;
	maxmaxcode = 1 << maxbits;
	outbufcount = 0;
	outbufptr = buffer;

 * compress "from" to "to"
 * Algorithm:  use open addressing double hashing (no chaining) on the 
 * prefix code / next character combination.  We do a variant of Knuth's
 * algorithm D (vol. 3, sec. 6.4) along with G. Knott's relatively-prime
 * secondary probe.  Here, the modular division first probe is gives way
 * to a faster exclusive-or manipulation.  Also do block compression with
 * an adaptive reset, whereby the code table is cleared when the compression
 * ratio decreases, but after the table fills.  The variable-length output
 * codes are re-sized at this point, and a special CLEAR code is generated
 * for the decompressor.  Late addition:  construct the table according to
 * file size for noticeable speed improvement on small files.  Please direct
 * questions about this implementation to ames!jaw.

compress(from, to)
	char *from, *to;
	register long   fcode;
	register code_int i = 0;
	register int    c;
	register code_int ent;
	register int    disp;
	register code_int hsize_reg;
	register int    hshift;
	char *s;
	char *err_msg[256];

	inbufsize = 0;
	endInput = false;

	 * tune hash table size for small files -- ad hoc,
	 * but the sizes match earlier #defines, which
	 * serve as upper bounds on the number of output codes. 
		hsize = HSIZE;
		if (fsize < (1L << 12))
			hsize = min (5003L,HSIZE );
			if (fsize < (1L << 13))
				hsize = min (9001L,HSIZE );
				if (fsize < (1L << 14))
					hsize = min (18013L,HSIZE );
					if (fsize < (1L << 15))
						hsize = min (35023L,HSIZE );
						if (fsize < 47000L )
							hsize = min (50021L,HSIZE );

	if (!(infile = Open(from, MODE_OLDFILE))) {
		return IoErr();

	if (!(outfile = Open(to, MODE_NEWFILE))) {
		status = IoErr();
		return status;

	if (nomagic == 0){
		putcbuf((char)(maxbits | block_compress));
		if(status) {
			return status;

	offset = 0;
	bytes_out = 3;					/* includes 3-byte header mojo */
	out_count = 0;
	clear_flg = 0;
	ratio = 0L;
	in_count = 1;
	checkpoint = CHECK_GAP;
	maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits = INIT_BITS);
	free_ent = ((block_compress)?FIRST :256 );

	ent = ReadChar();

	hshift = 0;
	for (fcode = (long) hsize; fcode < 65536L; fcode *= 2L )
	hshift = 8 - hshift;			/* set hash code range bound */

	hsize_reg = hsize;
	cl_hash((count_int)hsize_reg);	/* clear hash table */

	/*while ((c = getc(infile))!= EOF ){*/
	while ( ( c = ReadChar() ) != EOF) {
		fcode = (long)(((long)c << maxbits)+ ent);
		i = ((c << hshift)^ ent);	/* xor hashing */

		if (htabof (i)== fcode ){
			ent = codetabof (i);
			if ((long)htabof (i)< 0 )/* empty slot */
				goto nomatch;
		disp = hsize_reg - i;		/* secondary hash (after G. Knott) */
		if (i == 0 )
			disp = 1;
		if ((i -= disp)< 0 )
			i += hsize_reg;

		if (htabof (i)== fcode ){
			ent = codetabof (i);
		if ((long)htabof (i)> 0 )
			goto probe;
		output ((code_int)ent );
		ent = c;
		if (free_ent < maxmaxcode ){
			codetabof (i)= free_ent++;/* code -> hashtable */
			htabof (i)= fcode;
			if ((count_int)in_count >= checkpoint && block_compress )
				cl_block ();
  * Put out the final code.
	output((code_int)ent );
	output((code_int)-1 );

  * Print out stats on stderr
	if(zcat_flg == 0 && !quiet){
#ifdef DEBUG
			"%ld chars in, %ld codes (%ld bytes) out, compression factor: ",
			in_count,out_count,bytes_out );
		prratio(stderr,in_count,bytes_out );
		fprintf(stderr,"\tCompression as in compact: " );
		prratio(stderr,in_count-bytes_out,in_count );
		fprintf(stderr,"\tLargest code (of last block) was %d (%d bits)\n",
				free_ent - 1,n_bits );
#endif								/* DEBUG */
	flushbuf();						/* dump the last block */
	if(bytes_out > in_count)		/* exit(2) if no savings */
		status = 2;
	goto cleanup;

 * TAG( output )
 * Output the given code.
 * Inputs:
 * 	code:	A n_bits-bit integer.  If == -1, then EOF.  This assumes
 *		that n_bits =< (long)wordsize - 1.
 * Outputs:
 * 	Outputs code to the file.
 * Assumptions:
 *	Chars are 8 bits long.
 * Algorithm:
 * 	Maintain a BITS character long buffer (so that 8 codes will
 * fit in it exactly).  Use the VAX insv instruction to insert each
 * code in turn.  When the buffer fills up empty it and start over.

static char     buf[BITS];

char_type lmask[9]= {
char_type rmask[9]= {

	code_int code;
#ifdef DEBUG
	static int col = 0;
#endif								/* DEBUG */

	register int r_off = offset, bits = n_bits;
	register char * bp = buf;
	int count;

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (verbose )
				(col+=6)>= 74 ?(col = 0,'\n'):' ' );
#endif								/* DEBUG */
	if (code >= 0 ){
 * byte/bit numbering on the VAX is simulated by the following code
	 * Get to the first byte.
		bp += (r_off >> 3);
		r_off &= 7;
	 * Since code is always >= 8 bits, only need to mask the first
	 * hunk on the left.
		*bp = (*bp & rmask[r_off])| (code << r_off)& lmask[r_off];
		bits -= (8 - r_off);
		code >>= 8 - r_off;

	/* Get any 8 bit parts in the middle (<=1 for up to 16 bits). */

		if (bits >= 8 ){
			*bp++= code;
			code >>= 8;
			bits -= 8;
	/* Last bits. */
			*bp = code;
		offset += n_bits;
		if (offset == (n_bits << 3)){
			bp = buf;
			bits = n_bits;
			bytes_out += bits;
			offset = 0;

	 * If the next entry is going to be too big for the code size,
	 * then increase it, if possible.
		if (free_ent > maxcode || (clear_flg > 0)){
		 * Write the whole buffer, because the input side won't
		 * discover the size increase until after it has read it.
			if (offset > 0 ){
				putmcbuf(buf, n_bits);
				if (status) return 1;
				bytes_out += n_bits;
			offset = 0;

			if (clear_flg ){
				maxcode = MAXCODE (n_bits = INIT_BITS);
				clear_flg = 0;
			else {
				if (n_bits == maxbits )
					maxcode = maxmaxcode;
					maxcode = MAXCODE(n_bits);
#ifdef DEBUG
			if (debug ){
				fprintf(stderr,"\nChange to %d bits\n",n_bits );
				col = 0;
#endif								/* DEBUG */
	else {
	 * At EOF, write the rest of the buffer.
	 	coun= MAXCODE (n_bits = INIT_BITS);
			clear_flg = 0;
		size = 0;
		while (size < n_bits) {
			if ((c = ReadChar()) == EOF || status ) break;
			buf[size++] = c;
		if (size == 0  || status) {
			return EOF;				/* end of file */

		offset = 0;

		/* Round size down to integral number of codes */

		size = (size << 3)- (n_bits - 1);
	r_off = offset;
	bits = n_bits;
  * Get to the first byte.
	bp += (r_off >> 3);
	r_off &= 7;

 /* Get first part (low order bits) */

#ifdef NO_UCHAR
	code = ((*bp++ >> r_off)& rmask[8 - r_off]) & 0xff;
	code = (*bp++ >> r_off);
#endif								/* NO_UCHAR */
	bits -= (8 - r_off);
	r_off = 8 - r_off;				/* now, offset into code word */

	/* Get any 8 bit parts in the middle (<=1 for up to 16 bits). */

	if (bits >= 8 ){
#ifdef NO_UCHAR
		code |= (*bp++ & 0xff) << r_off;
		code |= *bp++ << r_off;
#endif								/* NO_UCHAR */
		r_off += 8;
		bits -= 8;
 /* high order bits. */
	code |= (*bp & rmask[bits]) << r_off;
	offset += n_bits;

	return code;

#ifndef AZTEC_C
char *
	register char *s,c;
	char   *p;
	for (p = NULL;*s;s++)
		if (*s == c)
			p = s;

 * This routine returns 1 if we are running in the foreground and stderr
 * is a tty.
 	/* I don't know how to test for background, yet. */
	return (isatty(2));

	unlink ( ofname );
	exit (1 );

/* wild pointer -- assume bad input */

oops ()
	if ( do_decomp == 1 )
		fprintf (stderr,"uncompress: corrupt input\n" );
	unlink ( ofname );
	exit ( 1 );

/* table clear for block compress */

cl_block ()
	register long int rat;

	checkpoint = in_count + CHECK_GAP;
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (debug ){
		fprintf (stderr,"count: %ld, ratio: ",in_count );
		prratio (stderr,in_count,bytes_out );
		fprintf (stderr,"\n");
#endif								/* DEBUG */

	if(in_count > 0x007fffff){		/* shift will overflow */
		rat = bytes_out >> 8;
		if(rat == 0){				/* Don't divide by zero */
			rat = 0x7fffffff;
		else {
			rat = in_count / rat;
	else {
		rat = (in_count << 8) / bytes_out; /* 8 fractional bits */
	if (rat > ratio ){
		ratio = rat;
	else {
		ratio = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
			dump_tab();				/* dump string table */
		cl_hash ((count_int)hsize );
		free_ent = FIRST;
		clear_flg = 1;
		output ((code_int)CLEAR );
#ifdef DEBUG
			fprintf (stderr,"clear\n" );
#endif								/* DEBUG */

cl_hash(hsize)						/* reset code table */
register count_int hsize;
	register count_int *htab_p = htab+hsize;
	register long i;
	register long m1 = -1;

	i = hsize - 16;
	do {							/* might use Sys V memset(3) here */
		*(htab_p-16)= m1;
		*(htab_p-15)= m1;
		*(htab_p-14)= m1;
		*(htab_p-13)= m1;
		*(htab_p-12)= m1;
		*(htab_p-11)= m1;
		*(htab_p-10)= m1;
		*(htab_p-9)= m1;
		*(htab_p-8)= m1;
		*(htab_p-7)= m1;
		*(htab_p-6)= m1;
		*(htab_p-5)= m1;
		*(htab_p-4)= m1;
		*(htab_p-3)= m1;
		*(htab_p-2)= m1;
		*(htab_p-1)= m1;
		htab_p -= 16;
	} while ((i -= 16) >= 0);

	for (i += 16; i > 0; i--)
		*--htab_p = m1;
#ifdef DEBUG
FILE *stream;
long int    num,den;
	register int    q;				/* Doesn't need to be long */

	if(num > 214748L){				/* 2147483647/10000 */
		q = num / (den / 10000L);
	else {
		q = (10000L*num)/ den;		/* Long calculations, though */
	if (q < 0){
		q = -q;
	fprintf(stream,"%d.%02d%%",q / 100,q % 100);

/* Flush the output buffer. */

	if (Write(outfile, buffer, outbufcount) != outbufcount) {
		status = IoErr();
	outbufcount = 0;
	outbufptr = buffer;

/* Put a character into the output buffer.  If the buffer is full,
 * output the buffer, then reset its count to zero.
 * Called with:
 *		c:		character to be output
 * Returns:
 *		status code (0 => OK)

	if (outbufcount >= bufsize) 	flushbuf();
	*outbufptr++ = c;
	return status;

/* Put multiple characters in the output buffer.
 * Called with:
 *		buf:		address of character array
 *		count:		number of characters to output
 * Returns:
 *		status 

putmcbuf(buf, count)
	char *buf; int count;
	for (; count; --count) 	if ( putcbuf( *buf++ ) ) break;
	return status;

/* Read 1 character from the input file.
 * Returns:
 *   character code or -1 (EOF)

	if (inbufsize == 0) {
		if (endInput)
			return EOF;

		if ((inbufsize = Read(infile, inbuf, INBUFSIZE)) == -1L) {
			status = IoErr();
			return EOF;

		inbufptr = inbuf;				/* reset buffer pointer */

		if (inbufsize < INBUFSIZE) {
			endInput = true;
			goto again;
	return (*inbufptr++);
***EOF Compress.c***
< Mark R. Rinfret,        mrr@softie, ..rayssd!unisec!softie!mrr             >
< SofTech, Inc.           Home: 401-846-7639                                 >
< 1 Silva Lane,           Work: 401-849-4174                                 >
< Middletown, RI 02840    "The name has changed but I'm still guilty."       >