[comp.sys.amiga] BridgeBoard Reboot

artw@pnet01.CTS.COM (Art Weiss) (10/11/87)

   I have an A-2000 with Bridgboard and had a question I thought someone might
be able to answer. Though the Bridgeboard seems to run just about everything
I've tried on it there were a couple of things that were a bit odd. I used to
own a Sidecar on my A-1000, so I've noticed a couple of differences between
the Sidecar & Bridgeboard. First, I notice that when I run a program like
Flight Simulator or Jet and use Ctrl-Alt-Delete to reboot, the system will
just hang, with a screen full of random colors. On the Sidecar I used to be
able to reboot the PC side after running those programs. But it seems that
with the Bridgeboard I end up having to reboot the whole Amiga (C-A-A) in
order to reboot MS-DOS. Otherwise things seem OK, and all the programs do run,
with the exception of my newer version of CopyII-PC which won't work as it did
on the Sidecar. My older version of Copy-II does work, however.
   If anyone else out there is using an A-2000 with Bridgeboard try those
programs out and see what kind of results you get.