[comp.sys.amiga] GURU-NUMBERS

bryce@hoser.berkeley.edu (Bryce Nesbitt) (10/13/87)

spencer@ogg.cgrg.ohio-state.edu (Steve Spencer) writes:
> Does someone have a list of guru numbers and their explanations that they
> could email me?  I'd really appreciate it.

Better yet, the net.  This comes from the V1.2 include files.  Save this
file if you think you might ever want it, it won't be reposted:

*  Format of the alert error number:
*    +-+-------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
*    |D|  SubSysId   |	General Error |    SubSystem Specific Error    |
*    +-+-------------+----------------+--------------------------------+
*		     D:  DeadEnd alert
*	      SubSysId:  indicates ROM subsystem number.
*	 General Error:  roughly indicates what the error was
*	Specific Error:  indicates more detail

/*  General Dead-End Alerts:*/

/*------ alert types */
#define AT_DeadEnd	0x80000000
#define AT_Recovery	0x00000000

/*------ general purpose alert codes */
#define AG_NoMemory	0x00010000
#define AG_MakeLib	0x00020000
#define AG_OpenLib	0x00030000
#define AG_OpenDev	0x00040000
#define AG_OpenRes	0x00050000
#define AG_IOError	0x00060000
#define AG_NoSignal	0x00070000

/*------ alert objects: */
#define AO_ExecLib	0x00008001
#define AO_GraphicsLib	0x00008002
#define AO_LayersLib	0x00008003
#define AO_Intuition	0x00008004
#define AO_MathLib	0x00008005
#define AO_CListLib	0x00008006
#define AO_DOSLib	0x00008007
#define AO_RAMLib	0x00008008
#define AO_IconLib	0x00008009
#define AO_ExpansionLib 0x0000800A
#define AO_AudioDev	0x00008010
#define AO_ConsoleDev	0x00008011
#define AO_GamePortDev	0x00008012
#define AO_KeyboardDev	0x00008013
#define AO_TrackDiskDev 0x00008014
#define AO_TimerDev	0x00008015
#define AO_CIARsrc	0x00008020
#define AO_DiskRsrc	0x00008021
#define AO_MiscRsrc	0x00008022
#define AO_BootStrap	0x00008030
#define AO_Workbench	0x00008031

/* Combine the above to get the actual number */

/*   Specific Dead-End Alerts: */

/*------ exec.library */
#define AN_ExecLib	0x01000000
#define AN_ExcptVect	0x81000001	/* 68000 exception vector checksum */
#define AN_BaseChkSum	0x81000002	/* execbase checksum */
#define AN_LibChkSum	0x81000003	/* library checksum failure */
#define AN_LibMem	0x81000004	/* no memory to make library */
#define AN_MemCorrupt	0x81000005	/* corrupted memory list */
#define AN_IntrMem	0x81000006	/* no memory for interrupt servers */
#define AN_InitAPtr	0x81000007	/* InitStruct() of an APTR source */
#define AN_SemCorrupt	0x81000008	/* a semaphore is in illegal state */
#define AN_FreeTwice	0x81000009	/* freeing memory already freed */
#define AN_BogusExcpt	0x8100000A	/* illegal 68k exception taken */

/*------ graphics.library */
#define AN_GraphicsLib	0x02000000
#define AN_GfxNoMem	0x82010000	/* graphics out of memory */
#define AN_LongFrame	0x82010006	/* long frame, no memory */
#define AN_ShortFrame	0x82010007	/* short frame, no memory */
#define AN_TextTmpRas	0x02010009	/* text, no memory for TmpRas */
#define AN_BltBitMap	0x8201000A	/* BltBitMap, no memory */
#define AN_RegionMemory 0x8201000B	/* regions, memory not available */
#define AN_MakeVPort	0x82010030	/* MakeVPort, no memory */
#define AN_GfxNoLCM	0x82011234	/* emergency memory not available */

/*------ layers.library */
#define AN_LayersLib	0x03000000
#define AN_LayersNoMem	0x83010000	/* layers out of memory */

/*------ intuition.library */
#define AN_Intuition	0x04000000
#define AN_GadgetType	0x84000001	/* unknown gadet type */
#define AN_BadGadget	0x04000001	/* Recovery form of AN_GadgetType */
#define AN_CreatePort	0x84010002	/* create port, no memory */
#define AN_ItemAlloc	0x04010003	/* item plane alloc, no memory */
#define AN_SubAlloc	0x04010004	/* sub alloc, no memory */
#define AN_PlaneAlloc	0x84010005	/* plane alloc, no memory */
#define AN_ItemBoxTop	0x84000006	/* item box top < RelZero */
#define AN_OpenScreen	0x84010007	/* open screen, no memory */
#define AN_OpenScrnRast 0x84010008	/* open screen, raster alloc, no memory */
#define AN_SysScrnType	0x84000009	/* open sys screen, unknown type */
#define AN_AddSWGadget	0x8401000A	/* add SW gadgets, no memory */
#define AN_OpenWindow	0x8401000B	/* open window, no memory */
#define AN_BadState	0x8400000C	/* Bad State Return entering Intuition */
#define AN_BadMessage	0x8400000D	/* Bad Message received by IDCMP */
#define AN_WeirdEcho	0x8400000E	/* Weird echo causing incomprehension */
#define AN_NoConsole	0x8400000F	/* couldn't open the Console Device */

/*------ math.library */
#define AN_MathLib	0x05000000

/*------ clist.library */
#define AN_CListLib	0x06000000

/*------ dos.library */
#define AN_DOSLib	0x07000000
#define AN_StartMem	0x07010001	/* no memory at startup */
#define AN_EndTask	0x07000002	/* EndTask didn't */
#define AN_QPktFail	0x07000003	/* Qpkt failure */
#define AN_AsyncPkt	0x07000004	/* Unexpected packet received */
#define AN_FreeVec	0x07000005	/* Freevec failed */
#define AN_DiskBlkSeq	0x07000006	/* Disk block sequence error */
#define AN_BitMap	0x07000007	/* Bitmap corrupt */
#define AN_KeyFree	0x07000008	/* Key already free */
#define AN_BadChkSum	0x07000009	/* Invalid checksum */
#define AN_DiskError	0x0700000A	/* Disk Error */
#define AN_KeyRange	0x0700000B	/* Key out of range */
#define AN_BadOverlay	0x0700000C	/* Bad overlay */

/*------ ramlib.library */
#define AN_RAMLib	0x08000000
#define AN_BadSegList	0x08000001	/* no overlays in library seglists */

/*------ icon.library */
#define AN_IconLib	0x09000000

/*------ expansion.library */
#define AN_ExpansionLib 0x0A000000
#define AN_BadExpansionFree	0x0A000001

/*------ audio.device */
#define AN_AudioDev	0x10000000

/*------ console.device */
#define AN_ConsoleDev	0x11000000

/*------ gameport.device */
#define AN_GamePortDev	0x12000000

/*------ keyboard.device */
#define AN_KeyboardDev	0x13000000

/*------ trackdisk.device */
#define AN_TrackDiskDev 0x14000000
#define AN_TDCalibSeek	0x14000001	/* calibrate: seek error */
#define AN_TDDelay	0x14000002	/* delay: error on timer wait */

/*------ timer.device */
#define AN_TimerDev	0x15000000
#define AN_TMBadReq	0x15000001	/* bad request */
#define AN_TMBadSupply	0x15000002	/* power supply does not supply ticks */

/*------ cia.resource */
#define AN_CIARsrc	0x20000000

/*------ disk.resource */
#define AN_DiskRsrc	0x21000000
#define AN_DRHasDisk	0x21000001	/* get unit: already has disk */
#define AN_DRIntNoAct	0x21000002	/* interrupt: no active unit */

/*------ misc.resource */
#define AN_MiscRsrc	0x22000000

/*------ bootstrap */
#define AN_BootStrap	0x30000000
#define AN_BootError	0x30000001	/* boot code returned an error */

/*------ Workbench */
#define AN_Workbench	0x31000000

/*------ DiskCopy */
#define AN_DiskCopy	0x32000000

|\ /|  . Ack! (NAK, ENQ, SYN)
{o O} . bryce@hoser.berkeley.EDU -or- ucbvax!hoser!bryce
  U	"It [the Amiga] is the machine the home market has been waiting
	for.  It's a computer without flaws." - David Seuss, President
	Spinnaker Softwares