[comp.sys.amiga] Virus on the loose

rouaix@inria.UUCP (Francois Rouaix) (10/06/87)

Well, that's fun. There are a few points I'd like to know about:
1) Does the virus declares itself as soon as it is installed ?
That is : suppose you have an infected boot disk. does it show the
virus message on the first time it is booted ? I thought it would be smart
to add a boot counter, so that the message should be shown only after
the fifth boot for example :->.
2) How could it be that DiskZap can not detect the virus ? Is the format
of the Boot Block 1 modified by the virus ?
3) Is the virus destructive in some way ?
4) Could all this stuff be a BIG JOKE on us, fearful users ?

*- Francois Rouaix                    /       When the going gets tough,     *
*- USENET:rouaix@inria.inria.fr     \/            the guru goes meditating...*
*  SYSOP of Sgt. Flam's Lonely Amigas Club. (33) (1) 39-55-84-59 (Videotext) *

flax@suadb.UUCP (Jonas Flygare) (10/08/87)

in article <539@inria.UUCP>, rouaix@inria.UUCP (Francois Rouaix) says:
> Well, that's fun. There are a few points I'd like to know about:
> 1) Does the virus declares itself as soon as it is installed ?

No, it seems as if it is waiting for a while... 

> 3) Is the virus destructive in some way ?

Yes, presumably. I haven't gotten any of my disks ruined yet, but friends
of mine claim they have..

> 4) Could all this stuff be a BIG JOKE on us, fearful users ?
| "Go to the Huntington Gallery and hold a razor blade a quarter of     |
|  an inch away from "The Blue Boy" and shout "Ding dong, ding dong...""|
|  flax@suadb.UUCP (Jonas Flygare)					|
|  jonasf@kuling.UUCP							|

rouaix@inria.UUCP (Francois Rouaix) (10/13/87)

I have had echoes on my BBS here in France that many people have
infected disk. The source is actually 'SCA'.
It seems that there exists somewhere a program called 'Virus Killer'.
I'll try to post it ASAP.


*- Francois Rouaix                    /       When the going gets tough,     *
*- USENET:rouaix@inria.inria.fr     \/            the guru goes meditating...*
*  SYSOP of Sgt. Flam's Lonely Amigas Club. (33) (1) 39-55-84-59 (Videotext) *