[comp.sys.amiga] lmss.asm

perry@well.UUCP (Perry S. Kivolowitz) (10/16/87)

I guess I blew it  on  the FaccII distribution disk. But you'll
find the following file on the Fish disk bearing the low memory
server and the CBM Best  Of  disks. Please cross post this file
to as many places as you can.


; :ts=8

; C Language Interface Routines For Low-Memory Server Library
; Copyright 1987 By ASDG Incorporated
; For non-commercial distribution only. Commercial distribution
; or use is strictly  forbidden except under license from ASDG.
; Author: Perry S. Kivolowitz
; ASDG shall in no way be held responsible for any damage or loss
; of data which may result from the use or misuse of this program
; or data. ASDG makes no warranty with respect to the correct and
; proper functioning of this code or data. However, it is the be-
; lief of ASDG that this  program and  data is  correct and shall
; function properly with correct use.
; you must provide  a LowMemBase  in your  C programs similar in
; concept to ExecBase or IntuitionBase etc.

	public	_LowMemBase

; RegLowMemReq
; Register a message port with the low-memory notification service. From
; C this routine would be called as in:
;	res = RegLowMemReq(PortName , Space)
;			      A0        A1
;	where:
;	PortName is  a pointer  to a null terminated string representing 
;		 the name  of  your port to which the low-memory service
;		 will attempt to send a message.
;	Space	 is a pointer to an initialized LowMemMessage.
;	res	 if false means  your  registration has  been  accepted.
;		 Currently, the only  reason  your  request would be re-
;		 jected is  if  the  low-memory server itself ran out of 
;		 memory (oh my!) or the port name  you requested has al-
;		 ready been registered. The value of the returned  error
;		 code can be used to determine why the call failed.

	public	_RegLowMemReq

	move.l	4(sp),a0	; load PortName into a0
	move.l	8(sp),a1	; load Space into a1
	move.l	_LowMemBase,a6	; load library pointer
	jmp	-30(a6)		; actually make call

; DeRegLowMemReq
; Undo the effect of a previous RegLowMemReq. You absolutely positively
; must call this routine before  exiting  your program (or  closing the
; library) 
	public	_DeRegLowMemReq

	move.l	4(sp),a0	; load PortName into a0
	move.l	_LowMemBase,a6	; load library pointer
	jmp	-36(a6)		; actually make call