[comp.sys.amiga] INTERNET Amiga FileServer Results

nasa@ms.uky.edu (Eric Freeman) (10/25/87)

   Here are the Internet systems which contain Amiga files and support
anonymous ftp.  Thanks to those who sent me their list!

	              trantor.umd.edu - Quite a bit available,
					not alot of new files
                    husc7.harvard.edu - Harvard and MIT sections
       asc.purdue.edu,j.cc.purdue.edu - in news dir  
	               louie.udel.edu - Just a few things in pub directory
	                 uunet.uu.net - Just uucp stuff in uucp directory
		     uxc.cso.uiuc.edu - just fish.arc and amigatcp.tar.Z

If anyone knows of any not listed please send them to me.

Eric Freeman		        	  		"A spirit with a vision
freeman@dftnic.gsfc.nasa.gov  		  		 is a dream with a 
freeman@ssvs.gsfc.nasa.gov				 mission"
nasa@e.ms.uky.edu					       Neil Peart