[comp.sys.amiga] Screen Depth -> Dynamic?

eraps2@aspvax.UUCP (10/28/87)

Hi all,
Does anyone know how to dynamically change the depth of a screen?  The
Intuition manual makes no mention of this ability.  Is it even
possible (if, for example I am willing to play with the rastport that
the screen struct references)?  Currently I close the screen and window
and then reopen them to the proper size, but I feel this is unclassy
as any information on the screen is lost (I simply want to modify the
maximum # colors).

The RKM's mention (but document poorly) two functions (ThinLayer() and
ThickenLayer()) which sound (due to their names) like they might do
the job.  Some paint programs appear to be doing this (but for all I
know, they might simply be disabling some of the color registers).

"You don't mean/I'm afraid/But by now       Rob Ginn 
she could be/Yes" -- TMM                    ...burdvax!jtids!aspvax!eraps2

hcm@hpclla.HP.COM (Harry Muttart) (10/29/87)

/ hpclla:comp.sys.amiga / eraps2@aspvax.UUCP /  3:49 am  Oct 28, 1987 /

Dynamic bitplane depth?

Part of what you want to do is done in DROPSHADOW, available on BBS's and 
the Fish Disks.  DROPSHADOW adds a bitplane to the WorkBench.  Might lok there.