[comp.sys.amiga] Which monitor to get

cs313s02@uhccux.UUCP (11/13/87)

Hi.  I saw a flyer from Computer Mail Order (CMO) advertising the 1080 and
2002 (or was it 2020) monitor for $300.  What is the difference between the
two monitors?  And which monitor should I get for an Amiga 1000?

Yuan Chang (currently using a stupid student account)
UUCP:      {ihnp4,uunet,ucbvax,dcdwest}!sdcsvax!nosc!uhccux!cs313s02
ARPA:	   uhccux!cs313s02@nosc.MIL               "Wouldn't you like to 
INTERNET:  cs313s02@uhccux.UHCC.HAWAII.EDU         be an _A_m_i_g_o_i_d too?!?

grr@cbmvax.UUCP (George Robbins) (11/14/87)

In article <1112@uhccux.UUCP> cs313s02@uhccux.UUCP (Cs313s02) writes:
> Hi.  I saw a flyer from Computer Mail Order (CMO) advertising the 1080 and
> 2002 (or was it 2020) monitor for $300.  What is the difference between the
> two monitors?  And which monitor should I get for an Amiga 1000?

The 1080 has the best specifications of any of the Commodore monitors until
such time as the 2084 hits the streets.  Get them while they last.  The 2084
will have the same dot pitch as the 1080, but with a long persistence phospher.

Stop!  No, I don't know when they will get here, but as far as I can tell,
they are on the way.

Of course all the Commodore monitors are "computer monitor" grade.  If you are
heavy into pretty video, look at one of the multi-sync monitors, they're only
twice as expensive.  If you are into programming or word processing, you
might want to consider a long-persistance composite monochrome monitor...

George Robbins - now working for,	uucp: {ihnp4|rutgers|allegra}!cbmvax!grr
but no way officially representing	arpa: out to lunch...
Commodore, Engineering Department	fone: 215-431-9255 (only by moonlite)