[comp.sys.amiga] lattice c4.0 questions

rminnich@udel.EDU (Ron Minnich) (11/18/87)

Question on lattice c v4.0
1) ANybody know how to get fd2pragma to take a basename for
   the library? I have tried ##base_name (from the book)
   ##base ##basename; none work. What is the magic?
2) I have amigatcp compiled under v4.0 (including devstub). 
   Sometimes it can not open serial.device, but returns with 
   error 0. I have c: assigned to lettuce, path set to lettuce:c,
   and s: assigned to lettuce: . What could these be fouling up?
   The assignment of s: seems to matter a lot. If i just
   assign c: lettuce:c
   path c:
   then every time i run a program i am asked to put in the workbench
   disk. If i assign s: to lettuce the requests go away. strange.

If you are looking to have compilations work on one of your
two floppy disks (in a 512 K system), then consider what i have done:
make a disk called lettuce (or something), copy c: to lettuce:c,
copy compact_h to lettuce:include, put lc1, lc2, and your
nice PD make (and Lattice still charges for make? sheesh) in 
lettuce:c, and voila! you can now do all your compiling with no
disk swaps ... until it is time to link. Since the sum total of all 
the libraries is 360K it pays to leave them on their own disk.
BTW 32-bit amigatcp is 89 or so K; the binary i have is i think
16-bit manx and it is 78 K. For the small size penalty i will 
go with 32-bit; these 16-bit programs seem to get a lot of #3 and #4
gurus! Also both Lattice v4 compiler passes are smaller than my 3.03. 
Nice work. And of course fd2pragma is wonderful! Oh well, to sum up, 
Lattice V4.0 was well worth the $75 upgrade.
P.S. Sorry for the double text in my previous posting. I do not know
what caused it.
ron (rminnich@udel.edu)