[comp.sys.amiga] NoFastMem

G35@DHDURZ1.BITNET (11/30/87)

Someone mentioned that the NoFastMem command doesn't work
if the program you want to start has to be booted i.e. after a reset.
This small assembler program shold solve these problems. Please note:
it works only on 500 and 2000 machines, as it uses direct ROM-calls
and you have to switch off/on to get your fastmem back, cntl-A-A would
have no effect.

I know that this is not the way to code programs on the Amiga, the
program is just a hack, but works fine (for me).

The program is very simple: the startup-code calls a routine which
passes in a4 the length of the $c00000-mem attached. The program
just sets a4 to NULL and jumps into the startup routine.

------------------------ cut here ---------------------------
  move.l   264(a2),a4    ; function = Output()
  moveq    #12,d0        ; every cli-command does this, no idea why
  jsr      (a5)          ; call Dos-function
  move.l   #txt,d2       ; address of text
  move.l   #txtend-txt,d3 ; length of text
  move.l   -24(a2),a4    ; function = Write()
  moveq    #12,d0        ; ???? (as above, seems to be important)
  jsr      (a5)          ; call Dos-function
  btst     #6,$bfe001    ; test left mouse button
  bne      wait          ; wait until pressed

; the next section is copied from the original reset routine
; (reset starts at $fc00d2)
  lea.l    $040000,a7    ; stack-pointer
  lea.l    $dff000,a4    ; startaddress of customchips
  move.w   #$7fff,d0
  move.w   d0,154(a4)    ; disable interrupts
  move.w   d0,156(a4)    ; disable interrupt request
  move.w   d0,150(a4)    ; disable DMA
  move.w   #512,256(a4)  ; bitplane control
  move.w   #0,272(a4)    ; ???
  move.w   #$444,384(a4) ; set color 0 (dark grey)

  ; some registers have to be set to a specified value:
  lea.l    $400,a6       ; a6 = execbase
  suba.w   #$fd8a,a6
  move.l   #0,a4         ; no fast mem
  move.l   #$ffffffff,d6 ; d6 holds the error code, -1= no guru
  jmp      $fc0208       ; reset and boot

text    dc.b 'Insert disk & press left mouse button',10
textend equ  *

BTW I coudn't download this program to host, i had to type it in, so
there might be a bug somewere, just tell me if doesn't work...


Werner Guenther (g35@dhdurz1.bitnet)