[comp.sys.amiga] A1080 Monitor "snapping"

hrlaser@pnet02.cts.com (Harv Laser) (12/01/87)

My A1080 monitor "snaps" about every 15 mins. after it has warmed up.
The picture jumps and the jump is occasionally accompanied by a "snap"
sound, although sometimes not.  On one occasion the snap occured and the
monitor went into an "orange dots and stripes" mode and my A1000 was
completely locked up.  Even a 3-finger reboot wouldn't reset it. I had
to power down and re-Kick her.  That's only happened once, though.

So.... question for the group mind:  Who else has experienced this
A1080 malady and what did you do to remedy it?  I'm loathe to open up
the monitor case and go futzing around in there amongst 50,000 volts
myself.  I'd prefer to take it to a shop - be it a computer shop or a
teevee repair shop.  If any netfolks have had an A1080 with the same or
similar symptoms and took it to a shop to have it repaired, where did
you take it? What repairs did they perform? What did it cost? Did they
have to order exotic parts from the Orient? How long did it take to
get it fixed? 

By the way, although my Amiga is powered on almost constantly, when I'm
away from her for extended periods I normally power off the monitor
rather than use a screen-blanking program.  

CBM - any comments on any reported A1080 defects or recalls? (I'm not
the original owner of the monitor so I had no warranty card to send in).


ps.. yes I know about the 'fix' for this problem outlined in an issue
of RoboCity News, but I checked out the monitor cable and I don't see
any exposed or frayed insulation

|  Harv Laser - Chairman (sysop) The PeopleLink AmigaZone    //    |
|  PeopleLink: CBM*HARV                                    \X/     |
|  UUCP: {ihnp4!crash, hplabs!hp-sdd!crash}!gryphon!pnet02!hrlaser |
|  INET: hrlaser@pnet02.CTS.COM                                    |

terry@deepthot.UUCP (12/02/87)

There's been a bit of talk of the A1080 monitors snapping and locking the A1000

My problem is similar but different. After warmup the A1080 starts tosnap and
the screen momentarily shrinks. It gets more and more frequent as the system is
on longer, until, after a couple of hours, it snaps and the display dies. The
computer is still working fine. I power cycle the monitor and it is fine until
the next snap. This got progressively worse (shorter warmup period before it
starts, and once the display started dying, power cycling only gave me 5 - 10
minutes before it died again).

My service man checked it out and thought that some voltages were too high and
perhaps a leak in the flyback transformer, but he hasn't been able to cure it.
A friend has an A1080 with his Amiga too, but our serviceman says that the 
two monitors are only the same cosmetically. the chassis are entirely different.

Since I'm doing mostly programming, I decided to get a cheap composite,
monochrome monitor. It works fine. The problem is entirely with the A1080.

Are schematics available for the A1080? CBM? Is there more than one design for
an A1080? Is there a non-messy (ie no chroma-dope) treatment?


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