[comp.sys.amiga] IFF for 3D packages? ... how bout this!

dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU.UUCP (12/03/87)

	The IFF should NOT contain any actual code to *render* the object,
but ONLY code to *describe* the object.  That is, have a general set of basic
objects, but make the IFF extensible by allowing actual code that would 
describe the object. The code would have a standard calling sequence something

		min,max,base,dir,result,normal = are all arrays of three
		coordinates.  object_ptr is the custom object that only
		the code routine knows the internals of.

		object_code(0, object_ptr, &min, &max)  -get bounding box
		object_code(1, &base, &dir, &result, &normal)
							-get line intercept
							 point and normal at
							 that point.

	So all the IFF would describe is the world... colors, polygon faces,
texture mapping (the texture map would be handled by object_code(1,...)),
etc...  The rendering program would then be able to render the scene any way
it wishes: by raytracing, raycasting, Z-buffering, etc... 

	Color information would include inverse absorbtion coefficients,
reflection coefficients, etc... in R,G,B with enough precision (i.e. 16 bits
per R,G,B) so that conversion to/from other color formats would not cause
any problems.  The texture specification would be IN the color information
as a 16 bit integer selecting one of several basic types.  The remaining
selections are reserved for custom object_code() routines that only they
know about.

	Use one standard coordinate system.  I suggest a left-handed coordinate
	system (X going right, Y going up, and Z going into the screen).
	The header would contain the bounds of the entire scene in an ASCII
	representation of arbitrary precision.

	the bounding box defines the minimum and maximum, so we represent 
	the coordinates of the objects as 32 bit integers where 0 represents
	the minimum and 0xFFFFFFFF represents the maximum.   Each coordinate
	X, Y, and Z is scaled according to that coordinate's min and max.  This
	allows maximum precision.  

	For those people worried about space, a flag in the header would 
	indicate whether unsigned longwords (0-0xFFFFFFFF) or unsigned shorts 
	(0-0xFFFF) be used.

	The render would convert the normalized format to it's own internal
	format.  The IFF CANNOT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS as to how the render works
	and thus using a 'selected' floating point format would be useless
	and unfair.  This format allows the renderer to easily scale the world
	into something it can handle.

	There would be an Eye and a Center, both specified in homogeneous
	coordinates allowing both absolute and 'eye at infinity' and
	'center at infinity' scenes.  The infinity representations essentially
	mean a parallel projection.  Non infinity representations mean a
	perspective projection.  Homogeneous coordinates allow you to do this.

	Homogeneous coordinates are arrays of 4 longwords, coordinates in
	object specifications are not homogeneous and specified with 3 

	color information.  R,G,B (or any other standard format... but pick
	JUST ONE representation for gods sake, don't make the reader programs 
	have to do too much!!!).  To be applied to any object or light 
	source.  Would also have reflection and refraction coefficients.. 
	may a couple of other coefficients.  Would have the ability to specify
	a texture by way of actual code.

	The color information also specifies which shading algorithm to use..
	None, Lambert, Gourard, Phong, or custom (specified by a code 
	segment).  This can be specified in an unsigned byte since I doubt
	there will ever be more than a dozen different shading ALGORITHMS 
	for a scene.

	light sources, in homogeneous coordinates allowing both point and
	parallel.  Also allow the light source to *be* any arbitrary object
	allowing an arbitrary configuration (no longer point, but not 
	parallel either).

	polygons, plane-ellipses, ellipsoids, and other simple objects.
	Cubes and such would be represented by polygons.  

	Front-Face:  For polygons, use the counter-clockwise standard or
	the clockwise standard, but JUST ONE STANDARD!  This refers to
	which side of the polygon is considered the front face, and which
	side is considered the backface... being able to assume the 
	representation this way makes it easy to calculate normals.

	Polygons do not have to be planar.


	Extended objects in the format of actual code.  The code must be
	completely relocatable.  An extended object would have a special ID
	and SIZE field (since the renderer does not know the format of the
	object).  The only information the renderer can get from this object
	is it's bounding box, color, and specific intercept instances found
	by calling the code.  One code segment can be applied to any number
	of extended objects, of course.


	Allowing included code means that the IFF will not be compatible
	across different processor lines.  There WILL be an ascii string
	in the header specifying the processor and if a co-processor is
	required so rather than crash, those objects are simply not rendered
	on an incompatible machine.  I suggest that no assumptions be
	made as to the operating system.  The code must be relative and 
	completely self contained.  The code should NOT ever make OS calls,
	and any memory allocation must be from the stack.  The code should
	not take more than X Kbytes of stack where X is some decided upon
	value like 2 or 3.

	Some people will argue that code should not be included in an IFF
	spec at all.  Consider that if no code is alloweds, it will be
	impossible to add new object types to the IFF without making those
	types incompatible and unavailable to all renderers except the one
	that originally created the object type.
