[comp.sys.amiga] More Virus Comments....

steelie@pro-charlotte.cts.com (Jim Howard) (01/07/88)

The solution of having a checksum on track 0 which is monitored
by the OS is at least a start in the right direction, but what
of the programs out there that use track 0 to load custom dos's?
And what is going to happen when the viruses start spreading to
tracks 80,81, and 82? Thats over 36k of workspace for these viruses
to hide in, and with that much space we could start seeing much
more subtly destructive viruses, that actually modify the user's
programs, such as messing with spreadsheet data e.t.c.  
And with two very fine 68000 disassemblers out there, anyone with
any persistance and a good memory map can disassemble the virus
and modify the assembly source code to their own malicious purposes.
As of right now the only path I can see is prevention, or at least
until the OS can be set to clear all the ram: on a reboot. 
But then what of ASDG's recoverable ram disk?? :^)    
Evidently the above has already happened, the "RAM MAN WAS HERE" virus
seems to be the original SCA virus modified radicly to erase a disk,
or at least write garbage to track 40, thus destroying all directory
structure.. And another point brought up, is the write protect actually
OS controlled and not hardware controlled? That could be another
problem, when write protecting a disk means absolutly nothing.. 

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