[comp.sys.amiga] console.device

pmy@boole.acc.virginia.edu (Pete Yadlowsky) (01/12/88)

I'm working on an application which involves splitting the screen into
a display-only section and an interactive section. Both deal only
with text. In essence, the user enters commands in the latter section,
while system status is displayed and updated in the former. It seems
the obvious thing to do would be to open two windows and console
devices. But, I'd like to save a little programming effort and
open two console devices in the same window. Can this be done?
I tried and failed, but maybe there's a trick. Also, I tried sharing
the same console device between the two displays (in the same window).
By sending control sequences, I could change the size and position of
the console as needed. This *almost* worked, except for some unwanted
scrolling in the "other" display.

Maybe I should stop being lazy, and just do it right. :-)
Just in case, though, anyone ever attempted something like this?

Pete Yadlowsky
Academic Computing Center
University of Virginia
e-mail: pmy@vivaldi.acc.virginia.EDU