[comp.sys.amiga] Virus Author comes forward!!!

bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) (12/24/87)

	The following is a letter I received from the supposed author of
the SCA virus! I thought some of you might find it interesting. 
SCA Virus Technical Support
Switzerland / Europe

Bill Koester (CATS)
1200 Wilson Drive
West Chester PA 19380

SCA's Amiga Virus Protector - the ultimate cure!

Dear Mr Koester,

   Some days ago I read your Article from October 27 on usenet, in which you
are searching for Virus-infected disks.
   I'm the author of the Virus (!), and I think I should tell you some info
about it. It was intended to be a really harmless Virus, which doesn't kill
any software! I programmed it because a friend (also a programmer) told me it 
was impossible to make a virus on the Amiga. I didn't believe this and as you
can see it's not very difficult to make a virus. I put it on some disks
(with "pirate software" on them). but I never thought the virus would be
spread all over the world within 3 months!

   There's only one problem: The number of programs which use the boot-block
of the disk, and as a result of this are killed by the Virus, is getting
higher and higher! So I decided to create the Official SCA Virus Protector !!
With this program you can protect all your disks against the virus, that
means the virus will never copy itself on a protected disk! I think if all
the software houses and public-domain-copy-services use it, the problem
can be solved. You can find the Virus Protector on the disk I enclosed. It
is public domain, so you can give it to anyone you want! (Perhaps it will be 
on Workbench 1.3 or on a Fred Fish disk soon??!!) I think the program is
easy to use, as it has built-in instructions.

Some features of the Virus-Protector V1.0:

. Examine a disk (shows whether a disk in infected and, if it is, displays
the generation of the virus, that's how many times the virus copied itself
before it came to your disk)

. Kill Virus (like the CLI Install command, use this to heal infected disks)

. Protect a disk (to protect all disks which are not infected. Works with
all programs currently on the market!)

   As you probably know, the virus will be deactivated if you press the left
mouse-button while resetting the computer (the screen will turn green for
some seconds).

   I hope the Virus Protector can help you solve the problems my virus caused
If you want more infos (or source-codes) just place a message on the Usenet.
(I don't know whether it would be wise if I gave you my right address...)


PS: Excuse my bad English, but here in Switzerland we speak German!
Bill Koester -- CBM  >>Amiga Technical Support<<
                     UUCP  ...{allegra|burdvax|rutgers|ihnp4}!cbmvax!bill 
		     PHONE  (215) 431-9355
	      Pleese desrigard eny spealing airors!!!!!!!!!!!

bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) (12/24/87)

In article <3007@cbmvax.UUCP> bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) writes:
>	The following is a letter I received from the supposed author of
>the SCA virus! I thought some of you might find it interesting. 
>SCA Virus Technical Support
>Switzerland / Europe
>Bill Koester (CATS)
>1200 Wilson Drive
>West Chester PA 19380
>SCA's Amiga Virus Protector - the ultimate cure!
>Dear Mr Koester,
>   Some days ago I read your Article from October 27 on usenet, in which you
>are searching for Virus-infected disks.

This is still true!! If anyone finds what they think is a new virus PLEASE
send me a copy at this address:
			Bill Koester (CATS)
			Commodore International Ltd.
			1200 Wilson Drive
			West Chester, PA 19380

>   I'm the author of the Virus (!), and I think I should tell you some info
>about it. It was intended to be a really harmless Virus, which doesn't kill
>any software! I programmed it because a friend (also a programmer) told me it 
>was impossible to make a virus on the Amiga. I didn't believe this and as you
>can see it's not very difficult to make a virus. I put it on some disks
>(with "pirate software" on them). but I never thought the virus would be
>spread all over the world within 3 months!
>   There's only one problem: The number of programs which use the boot-block
>of the disk, and as a result of this are killed by the Virus, is getting
>higher and higher! So I decided to create the Official SCA Virus Protector !!
>With this program you can protect all your disks against the virus, that
>means the virus will never copy itself on a protected disk! I think if all

I have already tested this program against the new virus the SCA virus
protector will NOT find or protect against the new strain of virus!!

>the software houses and public-domain-copy-services use it, the problem
>can be solved. You can find the Virus Protector on the disk I enclosed. It
>is public domain, so you can give it to anyone you want! (Perhaps it will be 

Do you really expect me to dristribute a program written by the author of
the virus? Get real! If I had source I might think about it, but no 
promises. My phone number is (215) 431-9355, Lets Rap!

>on Workbench 1.3 or on a Fred Fish disk soon??!!) I think the program is
>easy to use, as it has built-in instructions.
>Some features of the Virus-Protector V1.0:
>. Examine a disk (shows whether a disk in infected and, if it is, displays
>the generation of the virus, that's how many times the virus copied itself
>before it came to your disk)
>. Kill Virus (like the CLI Install command, use this to heal infected disks)
>. Protect a disk (to protect all disks which are not infected. Works with
>all programs currently on the market!)

But does NOT work for the new strain of virus!!

>   As you probably know, the virus will be deactivated if you press the left
>mouse-button while resetting the computer (the screen will turn green for
>some seconds).
>   I hope the Virus Protector can help you solve the problems my virus caused
>If you want more infos (or source-codes) just place a message on the Usenet.

Well, here is my message. I might consider using modifying your program
but only if I have source. You know how to reach me. Why not prove your
good intentions and send me source for both the virus protector and the

>(I don't know whether it would be wise if I gave you my right address...)

Why, do you think I would post it to usenet?????

>					Sincerely
>					SCA
>PS: Excuse my bad English, but here in Switzerland we speak German!

Bill Koester -- CBM  >>Amiga Technical Support<<
                     UUCP  ...{allegra|burdvax|rutgers|ihnp4}!cbmvax!bill 
		     PHONE  (215) 431-9355
	      Pleese desrigard eny spealing airors!!!!!!!!!!!

ejkst@cisunx.UUCP (Eric J. Kennedy) (12/26/87)

In article <3008@cbmvax.UUCP>, bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) writes:
> In article <3007@cbmvax.UUCP> bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) writes:

...Long message and responses deleted...

> >   I hope the Virus Protector can help you solve the problems my virus caused
> >If you want more infos (or source-codes) just place a message on the Usenet.
> Well, here is my message. I might consider using modifying your program
> but only if I have source. You know how to reach me. Why not prove your
> good intentions and send me source for both the virus protector and the
> virus?

NO, PLEASE!  Maybe the author claims it wasn't hard, but I'll bet that
there are a lot of malicious people who know enough to modify the virus
to do something destructive, but not enough to write it themselves.
Please keep the source to yourself.  I'll sleep better at night.

> >					Sincerely

> >					SCA
> Bill Koester -- CBM  >>Amiga Technical Support<<

(No, Bill, I'm not flaming you.  In fact it might be a good idea for
CATS to get ahold of the source.  I just don't want it public. )

Eric Kennedy

hansb@ariel.unm.edu (Hans Bechtel) (12/27/87)


I have just come across my FIRST experience with the virus today!

Even here in Albuquerque, NM  we are not safe!

Luckly, I ALWAYS keep my disks write-protected, (bootable),
and I was able to track it down to the very disk where it came from
in the bunch that I have.  I had only used 4 disks that day, so
I just installed them all!

I guess that not all people have had such an easy experience as
I have.

could everybody that has been afflicted by the virus send me
email, so I can post a summary of how many people have been
afflicted, and also send me your city and state where you
live so I can post the vicinity of where the virus is
most prominent?  Thanks, and have an excellent holiday!

Hans Bechtel

"we are the three amigas!"

ans@well.UUCP (Anne Schweizer) (12/27/87)


There is a new Virus around, coming from Germany, I supose.
It arrived here in Switzerland recently. This Virus can't be thrown
out of your Amiga with helding down mousbuttons down while booting,
you have to switch of your amiga !. And this virus isn't harmless    
anymore ! It trashes your disk while reading files !!!


Doug_B_Erdely@cup.portal.com (12/28/87)

Where did the virus come from?
And *WHO* is the gent responsible for it??
- Doug -

bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) (12/28/87)

In article <6028@cisunx.UUCP> ejkst@cisunx.UUCP (Eric J. Kennedy) writes:
>In article <3008@cbmvax.UUCP>, bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) writes:
>> In article <3007@cbmvax.UUCP> bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) writes:
>...Long message and responses deleted...
>NO, PLEASE!  Maybe the author claims it wasn't hard, but I'll bet that
>there are a lot of malicious people who know enough to modify the virus
>to do something destructive, but not enough to write it themselves.
>Please keep the source to yourself.  I'll sleep better at night.
>(No, Bill, I'm not flaming you.  In fact it might be a good idea for
>CATS to get ahold of the source.  I just don't want it public. )
>Eric Kennedy

Believe me if I get the source to the Virus it would not go any further
than my locked cabinet!! There is still only one copy of the dissassembled
Virus and no one else has seen that either.

Bill Koester -- CBM  >>Amiga Technical Support<<
                     UUCP  ...{allegra|burdvax|rutgers|ihnp4}!cbmvax!bill 
		     PHONE  (215) 431-9355
	      Pleese desrigard eny spealing airors!!!!!!!!!!!

bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) (12/29/87)

In article <2182@cup.portal.com> Doug_B_Erdely@cup.portal.com writes:
>Where did the virus come from?
>And *WHO* is the gent responsible for it??
>- Doug -

The Virus apparently came from switzerland. The letter had "LUFTPOST
PAR AVION VIA AEREA". The author never gave a name or address but he
did say he was from switzerland. Read the letter I posted and you will
know as much about him as I do.

Bill Koester -- CBM  >>Amiga Technical Support<<
                     UUCP  ...{allegra|burdvax|rutgers|ihnp4}!cbmvax!bill 
		     PHONE  (215) 431-9355
	      Pleese desrigard eny spealing airors!!!!!!!!!!!

bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) (12/29/87)

In article <2116@charon.unm.edu> hansb@ariel.UUCP (Hans Bechtel) writes:
>I have just come across my FIRST experience with the virus today!
>could everybody that has been afflicted by the virus send me
>email, so I can post a summary of how many people have been
>afflicted, and also send me your city and state where you
>live so I can post the vicinity of where the virus is
>most prominent?  Thanks, and have an excellent holiday!

YIKES! You could be in for alot of email. If you do get a list I would
like to see it posted.
Bill Koester -- CBM  >>Amiga Technical Support<<
                     UUCP  ...{allegra|burdvax|rutgers|ihnp4}!cbmvax!bill 
		     PHONE  (215) 431-9355
	      Pleese desrigard eny spealing airors!!!!!!!!!!!

cmcmanis%pepper@Sun.COM (Chuck McManis) (12/30/87)

In article <2116@charon.unm.edu> hansb@ariel.UUCP (Hans Bechtel) writes:
|>I have just come across my FIRST experience with the virus today!
|>could everybody that has been afflicted by the virus send me
|>email, so I can post a summary of how many people have been
|>afflicted, and also send me your city and state where you
|>live so I can post the vicinity of where the virus is
|>most prominent? ...

Hans please don't post this stuff, all we need are some swiss swine 
swaggering over their 'accomplishments.' Realize that there are 
commercial programs that have been delayed and possibly even cancelled
because this virus wiped out backups and masters alike. About the only
use of the above information I could sanction would be to use it to
backtrack the source to the puppies who started it and then get the
president to ok saturation bombing of the area.

--Chuck McManis
uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis   BIX: cmcmanis  ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com
These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you.

rouaix@inria.UUCP (Francois Rouaix) (12/30/87)

In article <4862@well.UUCP>, ans@well.UUCP (Anne Schweizer) writes:
> There is a new Virus around, coming from Germany, I supose.
	Well, again!!!
 I'm beginning to get tired with all this fuss about Viruses.
 The point is:
	1- You may be contaminated only by a bootable disk
	2- Commercial software are not contaminated when sealed under
		the original package...
	3- PD disks are generally not bootable, and the official ones are
I think I will leave the conclusion to your bright minds.
	If you got to the same conclusion that I draw, you will notice
	that indeed the pirates that originally wrote the Virus are 
	helping Software producers by making pirated copies unsafe.

	I wish we could stop this discussion about viruses.
	And finally, to CATS : DON'T DISTRIBUTE this so-called Virus Protector.


*- Francois Rouaix                 //       When the going gets tough,       *
*- rouaix@inria.inria.fr         \X/           the guru goes meditating...   *
*- SYSOP of Sgt. Flam's Lonely Amigas Club. (33) (1) 39-55-84-59 (Videotext) *

wtm@neoucom.UUCP (Bill Mayhew) (12/31/87)

<< some swiss swine swaggering >>

OK, my nerves are pretty raw over the virus, but I'd like to ask
that we try not to hurt the feelings of our freinds all around the

I doubt that Chuck was implying anything nasty about people from
Switzerland in general (I hope).  It just happens to be likely that
the particular swine (virus author) is from there.

I just goes to show that one must be very careful in constructing
one's phrases, lest they be misinterpreted (miscompiled??), as any
programmer is aware.

Good alliteration, though.  

Peace and happiness in the New Year,

PS:  I don't have any vested interest in Switzerland, bu the US has
enough image problems already we don't need to offend another

mccarrol@topaz.rutgers.edu (<MC>) (01/01/88)

] I'm beginning to get tired with all this fuss about Viruses.
] The point is:
]	1- You may be contaminated only by a bootable disk
]	2- Commercial software are not contaminated when sealed under
]		the original package...
]	3- PD disks are generally not bootable, and the official ones are
]		healthy.
]I think I will leave the conclusion to your bright minds.
]	If you got to the same conclusion that I draw, you will notice
]	that indeed the pirates that originally wrote the Virus are 
]	helping Software producers by making pirated copies unsafe.
	You're VERY wrong. I just got screwed over by a virus. How? I
got fish disk#63, and a modified MicroEmacs 3.8i. We used my friends
boot disk, and I was showing him some source code to one of my
programs on MY boot disk. I just lost 3 weeks worth of work to a 
virus, and I wasn't pirating ANYTHING. 

]	I wish we could stop this discussion about viruses.
]	And finally, to CATS : DON'T DISTRIBUTE this so-called Virus Protector.

	No, PLEASE distribute it. There are a LOT of innocent victims
of these rotten things.

]*- Francois Rouaix  

"It is a principle of the music/to repeat the theme |Mark C. Carroll
Repeat/and repeat again/as the pace mounts.  /------/Rutgers U CS Student
The theme/is difficult/but no more difficult |ARPA  :CARROLL@AIM.RUTGERS.EDU
than the facts to be/resolved"-WC Williams   |Usenet:mccarrol@topaz.rutgers.edu

lamb@thumper.bellcore.com (John W. Lamb) (01/01/88)

In article <597@inria.UUCP>, rouaix@inria.UUCP (Francois Rouaix) writes:
>  The point is:
> 	1- You may be contaminated only by a bootable disk
> 	2- Commercial software are not contaminated when sealed under
> 		the original package...
> 	3- PD disks are generally not bootable, and the official ones are
> 		healthy.
> I think I will leave the conclusion to your bright minds.
> 	If you got to the same conclusion that I draw, you will notice
> 	that indeed the pirates that originally wrote the Virus are 
> 	helping Software producers by making pirated copies unsafe.
> 	And finally, to CATS : DON'T DISTRIBUTE this so-called Virus Protector.

Consider the following scenario:

Pirate A comes by infected disks in some less than honest manner.
The virus spreads throughout his collection and, before he discovers
it, he gives copies of infected public domain disks to non-pirate B.  
A has no idea that the disks are infected and B has no idea that A is 
a pirate.

All of a sudden, B discovers that some of his copy protected
software no longer works and finds out that his friends who received
copies of infected disks from him are having the same problem.  
Since A, B and the others share lots of PD software, it is impossible
to tell who started the problem.

Shall we then penalize B and his non-pirate friends by withholding
the virus protector from them?  I for one would rather see the virus 
protector in the hands of the pirates.  Thank you, CATS, for
the prompt development and distribution of this program.

bill@cbmvax.UUCP (Bill Koester CATS) (01/01/88)

In article <597@inria.UUCP> rouaix@inria.UUCP (Francois Rouaix) writes:
>	If you got to the same conclusion that I draw, you will notice
>	that indeed the pirates that originally wrote the Virus are 
>	helping Software producers by making pirated copies unsafe.
	Good point!

>	I wish we could stop this discussion about viruses.
>	And finally, to CATS : DON'T DISTRIBUTE this so-called Virus Protector.
	Never intended to. Unfortunately it can be found on many BBS's.
	Remeber the SCA virus protector will not protect against or
	detect any of new virus's so it is useless anyway!!

Bill Koester (CATS)          >>Commodore Amiga Technical Support<<
Commodore International Ltd. UUCP ..{allegra|burdvax|rutgers|ihnp4}!cbmvax!bill 
		             PHONE  (215) 431-9355

carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP (Carolyn Scheppner CATS) (01/01/88)

In article <597@inria.UUCP> rouaix@inria.UUCP (Francois Rouaix) writes:
> I'm beginning to get tired with all this fuss about Viruses.
> The point is:
>	1- You may be contaminated only by a bootable disk

   As far as we know.  We still have not been sent samples of these
new viruses.  

>	2- Commercial software are not contaminated when sealed under
>		the original package...

   Not necessarily true.  We have heard rumors that there are some
commercial shrink-wrapped products that may be infected.  I have no names
or definite information on that, but there is a possibility that this
could be true.  The products could have been infected during development
or testing, and unknowingly gone to production carrying the infection.

>	3- PD disks are generally not bootable, and the official ones are
>		healthy.

  I have also heard that there may be some freely redistributable bootable
demos which are infected.    

>I think I will leave the conclusion to your bright minds.
>	If you got to the same conclusion that I draw, you will notice
>	that indeed the pirates that originally wrote the Virus are 
>	helping Software producers by making pirated copies unsafe.

This is a bit simplistic.  I'm sure the pirates are capable of using
a Virus Checker and the CLI Install program.

>	I wish we could stop this discussion about viruses.

I think it's important to discuss it, be aware of new strains, and make
all users and developers aware of what they must do to protect themselves
and their customers.

I never casually boot with unfamiliar disks.  I won't soft-boot my disks
in someone else's machine without write-protecting them.  And I don't
use pirated software.  I generally have one boot disk for each of my
Amigas, and that's what I boot with.  But I got infected.  It was a
total surprise and I have no idea how it happened.  I was finished
putting together a VCheck1.2 disk for European distribution, and decided
to copy VCheck1.2 to my hard disk in case I ever needed it.  Then I
wasn't sure I had copied it to a PATH'd directory so I typed "VCheck1.2"
to see if DOS could find the command.  Well, DOS found it, and it printed

     Your machine is INFECTED with VIRUS!!!

I checked my boot disk, and it was infected.  The only thing I can figure
is maybe somebody used one of my Amigas on a weekend or while I was
away somewhere, and then rebooted the machine with my un-write-protected
boot disk when they were done.  I now keep my boot disks write protected
at all times.  Fortunately, because I always boot with the same disks,
I only found one other disk that was infected.  Others are not so lucky.

>	And finally, to CATS : DON'T DISTRIBUTE this so-called Virus Protector.

If thought it was clear from Bill's postings that we will not distribute
the SCA Virus Protector because:

   a. We don't have the source 
   b. It only protects against the original Virus

BTW - Let's not start a flame war about this, but I truly believe that
      the SCA people thought their virus was a cute but harmless hack,
      and are sorry that it caused damage they didn't foresee.

      But I would like to strangle the vicious immature jerks who
      knowingly created new strains of the virus AFTER it was shown 
      to be dangerous.  Some commercial developers have offered
      substantial sums of money towards the apprehension and prosecution
      of these people, and I hope they get caught.

Carolyn Scheppner -- CATS   >>Commodore Amiga Technical Support<<
                     UUCP  ...{allegra,ihnp4,rutgers}!cbmvax!carolyn 
                     PHONE 215-431-9180

trb@stag.UUCP ( Todd Burkey ) (01/01/88)

In article <3064@cbmvax.UUCP> carolyn@cbmvax.UUCP (Carolyn Scheppner CATS) writes:
>If thought it was clear from Bill's postings that we will not distribute
>the SCA Virus Protector because:
>   a. We don't have the source 
>   b. It only protects against the original Virus

Wouldn't it be simple to check for a virus that lodges itself in
the OS and/or boot sectors by writing a simple CRC routine (two-level
to allow byte isolation). The routine would simply checksum specific
sectors (or offset sectors) against know values. Of course, this
wouldn't safeguard against virus's or trojan horses that stick themselves
inside of auto-run executables (or whatever the equivalent is on the Amiga).
Since we have the full OS on ROM on the ST, I tend to worry more about
the Trojan horse problem (i.e. I have a very full hard disk and
something like 250 disks of PD software...)
  -Todd  Burkey

jim@coplex.UUCP (Jim Sewell) (01/02/88)

Actually, there is a quite reasonable way for legitimate users to get bitten by
a virus.  Consider Person A is the local users group's PD Librarian.  Person B
is a pirate who is also active in the club and does find many PD programs that
are legitimate.  Well, when Person B gives an infected disk to the PD Librarian,
the entire club stands a chance to be infected.  I don't think this is too far
out to consider possible, and only requires one pirate.  The other club members
may not even know he is a pirate, but will still be infected.

By the way, I agree with others that virus writers should be hung and am quite
saddened by the name they make for us honest folk.

Jim Sewell				"Make knowledge free!"

bryce@hoser.berkeley.edu (Bryce Nesbitt) (01/02/88)

In article <297@stag.UUCP> trb@stag.UUCP ( Todd Burkey ) writes:
>Wouldn't it be simple to check for a virus that lodges itself in
>the OS and/or boot sectors by writing a simple CRC routine (two-level
>to allow byte isolation).

No it would not.  One of the capabilities of such a virus it to infect the
sector read commands.  When you check to see if the boot-block is "normal"
the smart virus could just return a "normal" block.

>Since we have the full OS on ROM on the ST, I tend to worry more about
>the Trojan horse problem.

The Amiga virus is still a problem on the Amiga 500 and 2000, both of which
have the OS in ROM.  The way the virus gets started is in the "boot block"
of a disk.  This contains some code that is executed.  Normally it will 
bring in the default DOS (AmigaDOS, usually).

Sort of like infecting a file in the "auto" folder on the ST, but somewhat
worse.  The Amiga virus survives reseting the machine.  To draw the same
Atari ST analogy, it would then search any new disks put in any drive for "Auto"
folders and infect them as well.

The *ONLY* way to clean a system is to turn OFF the machine, WAIT, then put a
VIRGIN boot disk in (Preferably one that has never had it's write protect
notch enabled, ever).  The Workbench disk that came with the machine would
be a good choice.

At this point you can cycle any number of disks through, cleaning them with
an "Install df0:" command from the CLI.

Remember, only bootable disks are vulnerable.  As a precaution that dates way
before this virus hit, I use only one boot disk, and keep it write protected
any time I am not writing to it.  Even this is really not good enough...
someone could run a "Trojan horse" demo that would seem to exit cleanly but
actually leave a worm in the system.  This worm would patiently wait until the
boot disk is unprotected.

It is easy to see how a person could loose an entire stack of backups to
the virus... hmmm, that one is bad... I'll try this one.  Bad also?? Hmmm...
I'll try this one.

	Viruses are a problem that can infect any of the current crop of
	computers.  The Amiga, Mac, ST, Apple IIgs, Coleco Adam, Mindset,
	and IBM PS divided-by 2 all are quite vulnerable.


PS:  Some people may not have noticed this, but the first SCA virus is
destructve in a least two ways:

	1> Destroys "custom" boot blocks.
	2> Writes to an absolute memory address.  The address is usually
	in the middle of the Supervisor stack, and does no harm.  If
	$C00000 memory is installed the address is in the middle of free

Since all boot block code is by nature relocatable, the virus authors could
have inserted the code, leaving the block mostly intact.  They also could 
have dynamically found an address to use, and perhaps made it permanent with
"ROM Tags in ram".

		Such sloppy code, for shame!  :-|

** The above information may be used in any way except for improving or
creating viruses.

|\ /|  . Ack! (NAK, SOH, EOT)
{o O} . bryce@hoser.berkeley.EDU -or- ucbvax!hoser!bryce (or try "cogsci")
  U	"Your theory is crazy... but not crazy enought to be true." -Niels Bohr

haitex@pnet01.cts.com (Wade Bickel) (01/02/88)

mccarrol@topaz.rutgers.edu (<MC>) writes:
>]	that indeed the pirates that originally wrote the Virus are 
>]	helping Software producers by making pirated copies unsafe.
>	You're VERY wrong. I just got screwed over by a virus. How? I
>got fish disk#63, and a modified MicroEmacs 3.8i. We used my friends
>boot disk, and I was showing him some source code to one of my
>programs on MY boot disk. I just lost 3 weeks worth of work to a 
>virus, and I wasn't pirating ANYTHING. 
>]	I wish we could stop this discussion about viruses.
>]	And finally, to CATS : DON'T DISTRIBUTE this so-called Virus Protector.
>	No, PLEASE distribute it. There are a LOT of innocent victims
>of these rotten things.
>]*- Francois Rouaix  
>	<MC>

        Seems to me your freind had a pirated disk, so be angry with him!

        Kind of like modern love huh, you can't be too careful about what
          goes where or you end up un-healthy.  Oh for the good old days! :-)



UUCP: {cbosgd, hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!pnet01!haitex
ARPA: crash!pnet01!haitex@nosc.mil
INET: haitex@pnet01.CTS.COM

ejkst@cisunx.UUCP (Eric J. Kennedy) (01/03/88)

In article <597@inria.UUCP>, rouaix@inria.UUCP (Francois Rouaix) writes:
>  I'm beginning to get tired with all this fuss about Viruses.
>  The point is:
> 	1- You may be contaminated only by a bootable disk
> 	2- Commercial software are not contaminated when sealed under
> 		the original package...
> 	3- PD disks are generally not bootable, and the official ones are
> 		healthy.
> I think I will leave the conclusion to your bright minds.

The obvious conclusion you want me to make: only software PIRATES can
get the virus.


I'll bet you believe only homosexuals get AIDS, too.
And since I don't smoke, I'll *never* get lung cancer...

Wise up.

> -- 
> *- Francois Rouaix                 //       When the going gets tough,       *
> *- rouaix@inria.inria.fr         \X/           the guru goes meditating...   *
> *- SYSOP of Sgt. Flam's Lonely Amigas Club. (33) (1) 39-55-84-59 (Videotext) *

Eric Kennedy

trb@stag.UUCP ( Todd Burkey ) (01/04/88)

In article <22368@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU> bryce@hoser.berkeley.edu (Bryce Nesbitt) writes:
>In article <297@stag.UUCP> trb@stag.UUCP ( Todd Burkey ) writes:
>>Wouldn't it be simple to check for a virus that lodges itself in
>>the OS and/or boot sectors by writing a simple CRC routine (two-level
>>to allow byte isolation).
>No it would not.  One of the capabilities of such a virus it to infect the
>sector read commands.  When you check to see if the boot-block is "normal"
>the smart virus could just return a "normal" block.
I was thinking that the check program would operate at a bit lower
level than that. It should go out and intercept the disk i/o routines
themselves. This would 'take away' the vectors from the virus if it
already had them. Maybe one check of such a program would be to just
examine where all the current potentially 'interesting' vectors are
being redirected to and inform the user if anything is being trapped.

Luckily this isn't a multi-user, distributed environment.  Anyone
remember the virus's that plagued the Sperry and CDC computers in the
middle-late 70's (here in MN on the educational systems anyway)? Most
of those were somewhat comical...except for the time I found that one
of the user's directories had had every file replaced with a copy of

  -Todd Burkey

peter@sugar.UUCP (Peter da Silva) (01/04/88)

I don't mean to be insensitive or anything, but this whole thing is beginning
to sound like a discussion of AIDS. One guy says you should never have
anything to do with "those people" (in this case, pirates). Another says it's
OK so long as you're not one of "those people" yourself. Then you have the
paranoids refusing to "do it" (trade PD or other software) at all. And of
course there's the recommendations that you wear your write protect tabs at
all times...

And now that the cat is out of the bag there will be variant viruses hiding
in other places than the boot block. Just like the IBM world.

I think the Amiga version of CHK4BOMB is likely to be a LOT harder than the
IBM version... you could start, I guess, looking for the strings "hddisk.device"
or "trackdisk.device" in programs. Then hardwired references to "DH0:" and
"JH0:". But I don't think that's going to be enough...

It's enough to make you want to switch to UNIX.
-- Peter da Silva  `-_-'  ...!hoptoad!academ!uhnix1!sugar!peter
-- Disclaimer: These U aren't mere opinions... these are *values*.

alex@.UUCP (Alex Laney) (01/13/88)

In article <37487@sun.uucp>, cmcmanis%pepper@Sun.COM (Chuck McManis) writes:
> ... About the only
> use of the above information I could sanction would be to use it to
> backtrack the source to the puppies who started it and then get the
> president to ok saturation bombing of the area.

It didn't work in "Return of The Living Dead", which I humbly suggest, shows
the effect of a similar 'Virus', only on humans ...

Alex Laney   alex@xicom.UUCP   ...utzoo!dciem!nrcaer!xios!xicom!alex
Xicom Technologies, 205-1545 Carling Av., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
We may have written the SNA software you use.
The opinions are my own.