[comp.sys.amiga] File requestors & Matt Dillon's Catalog Program.

peter@sugar.UUCP (Peter da Silva) (01/09/88)

It's good to see someone's getting use out of my program. 

I'll be sure to include Matt's changes in the next version. One of
these days I'll even get around to building sup32.lib and play
around with his software...

One thing to note: if anyone (like me) prefers AmigaDOS style wildcards it
shouldn't be too much trouble to stick the original PatMatch.c back in
there. Or, even better, the ARP library pattern matcher.
-- Peter da Silva  `-_-'  ...!hoptoad!academ!uhnix1!sugar!peter
-- Disclaimer: These U aren't mere opinions... these are *values*.

kip@wybbs.UUCP (Kip DeGraaf) (01/21/88)

In article <1383@sugar.UUCP>, peter@sugar.UUCP (Peter da Silva) writes:
> It's good to see someone's getting use out of my program. 
> I'll be sure to include Matt's changes in the next version. One of
> these days I'll even get around to building sup32.lib and play
> around with his software...
  Say is Dillon's support library available easily?  And would I need it to
make changes to Dillon and Drew's Csh?

  Sorry this is such an old question.

dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) (01/22/88)

>  Say is Dillon's support library available easily?  And would I need it to
>make changes to Dillon and Drew's Csh?
>  Sorry this is such an old question.

	Dillon?  Gosh we're getting impersonal here.  Try "Matt" or 
"Matt Dillon".  In anycase, my support library is in sources & binaries,
posted a couple weeks ago.  I believe Steve removed the library dependancies
in his version of my shell.
