[comp.sys.amiga] Virus comes free with these commercial products

bryce@hoser.berkeley.edu (Bryce Nesbitt) (01/26/88)

The SCA Virus (the mostly non-destrucive version) has infected some commercial
releases.  This includes:

Emerald Mines
AMNews #1 (The boot disk)

To clean these disks, you must turn your Amiga OFF for at least 30 seconds.
Boot from a KNOWN CLEAN Workbench.  Enter the CLI.  Type "install df0:"
with the infected disk in df0:. 

If you have only one drive, type "install df0: +", wait until the drive stops,
insert the infected disk and then hit return.  **

If you don't have a clean disk, "install" your normal Workbench, then power
cycle again.  *All* bootable disks that have been used on an infected system
probably have caught the virus.

** "+" at the end of a CLI line will cause the program to be loaded, but
not started.  Press RETURN to start the program.

|\ /|  . Ack! (NAK, SOH, EOT)
{o O} . bryce@hoser.berkeley.EDU -or- ucbvax!hoser!bryce (or try "cogsci")
  U	"All lawyers are slime" - Any Client

fnf@mcdsun.UUCP (Fred Fish) (01/29/88)

In article <22742@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU> bryce@hoser.berkeley.edu (Bryce Nesbitt) writes:
>The SCA Virus (the mostly non-destrucive version) has infected some commercial
>releases.  This includes:
>Emerald Mines
>AMNews #1 (The boot disk)

The virus reportedly infected all 10,000 disks in the AMNews duplication
run, which to put it mildly, greatly annoyed the AMNews people.  In fact,
they are ready to spearhead an effort to locate and prosecute the twit(s)
that started all this.  I spoke with Chet Solice a couple days ago about
the situation and with his permission, am posting the following number
to call if you wish to contribute to this effort:

	Chet Solice  (spelling?)
	(619) 364-3516

# Fred Fish    hao!noao!mcdsun!fnf    (602) 438-3614
# Motorola Computer Division, 2900 S. Diablo Way, Tempe, Az 85282  USA