[comp.sys.amiga] Need help reading single character from keyboard without waiting

frank@altera.UUCP (Frank Heile) (01/28/88)

Problem:  How to read a single character from the keyboard without
            blocking the task to wait for input, and WITHOUT REQUIRING THE

My Current Solution:   (using Manx 3.4b)
#include <stdio.h>

struct FileHandle * Input();

    struct FileHandle * InHandle;
    char ch;

    InHandle = Input(); /* get the input file handle from DOS */
    setbuf(stdin,NULL); /* don't let the stdio package buffer the input */

    while (1)
        /* this returns true if a character is available */
        if (WaitForChar(InHandle,1L)) /* I'm afraid to use 0L */
        {                             /* because of the Delay(0L) bug */
            ch = getchar();
            ...do something with this character...
            ...like change the mode...or like EXIT...
            ...continue to do something else...
(This is from memory...please excuse any errors)


Apparently WaitForChar() and the DOS Read() function will NOT recognise
keyboard input until a <RETURN> has been typed by the user.   The above 
code works just fine except that no characters are returned by getchar() 
until after a return is typed.  DOS must be buffering up the input till 
a <RETURN> is typed.

The getchar() eventually calls the DOS library Read() routine (I know 
because looked at the source since I bought the commercial package with
library source included).  So it appears that the DOS WaitForChar() and
Read() are the culprits.  I can't find anywhere in the RKM about how to 
make DOS not buffer the input - can anyone help?

What I need is a simple technique to read a single character from the 
keyboard.  This is for a very simple CLI type task that doesn't use
intuition.  I am sure that by using the intuition IDCMP port it could be
done. But I would like a simpler method which doesn't require opening a
window or interfacing to intuition.

louie@trantor.umd.edu (Louis A. Mamakos) (01/28/88)

Why don't you put the CLI console (or whatever, it sounds like you're trying to
read from a CON: window) into RAW mode.  Then the characters will be returned
one at a time.

Don't forget to return it to normal mode before you exit.

Louis A. Mamakos  WA3YMH    Internet: louie@TRANTOR.UMD.EDU
University of Maryland, Computer Science Center - Systems Programming

cherry@husc4.HARVARD.EDU (michael cherry) (01/29/88)

This is what I use.

#include <sgtty.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct sgttyb stty;
struct sgttyb ostty;
char c;

/* put the console in RAW mode */
ioctl(0, TIOCGETP,&stty);
ostty = stty;
stty.sg_flags |= RAW;

while(1) {
c = getchar(); /* read a character. Will get each character as they are typed */
/*  do something with the character */

/* return the console to its original state */