[comp.sys.amiga] Recommendation sought on budget manager software.

sean@ms.uky.edu (Sean Casey) (02/02/88)

I really need something to manage my budget, bank accounts, and long
term expenses like an emergency fund, insurance payments, and estimated
tax payments.

Can anyone make any recommendations?  I would like to demo Money Mentor,
but I can't find it anywhere in town.

Has anyone used a spreadsheet to do this?  Is it feasable?


--  Sean Casey               sean@ms.uky.edu,  sean@ukma.bitnet
--  (the Empire guy)         {rutgers,uunet,cbosgd}!ukma!sean
--  University of Kentucky in Lexington Kentucky, USA
--  "If something can go will, it wrong."

stroyan@hpfcdc.HP.COM (Mike Stroyan) (02/03/88)

I use and like Phasar from Finally Software.  It is simple to use.  It
comes with a full set of example data for trying it out.  The data entry
is quick, particularly because it will volunteer good default values and
complete partial strings in responses.  It also will check for
reasonable values, like questioning negative deposits or positive
balances on a Visa account statement.  It does multiple accounts,
budgets, loan analysis, and tax estimates.  It will also do address,
phone number and anniversary/birthday lists, but I haven't used those
features.  It is _not_ copy protected.

I use it to print checks as well.  However, the check printing function
that it performs is not flexible enough.  It doesn't have a long enough
name field or a field for account numbers.  I instead have it print
transaction summaries to a file and filter them into check form with
a small program of my own.

Mike Stroyan, [hplabs!]hpfcla!stroyan