[comp.sys.amiga] availability of internet.device code

rminnich@udel.EDU (Ron Minnich) (02/03/88)

I am making the source code for the pre-alpha version of internet.device
available. Just get amigatcp.tar.Z from louie.udel.edu, then get
inetdev.tar.Z. Amigatcp.tar.Z is the original, and inetdev.tar.Z
is the set of changed files that implement internet.device
as well as a sample application (telnetp). 
as always, send your barbed missives to me if you
have trouble.
I hope to have a much-improved version of this available
in about two weeks.I haven't had a chance to do anything
with it since i got the original working a month ago, but
now finally have some free time.
ron (rminnich@udel.edu)