[comp.sys.amiga] Question about Epson printer driver

R38@PSUVM.BITNET (aka Marc Rifkin) (02/06/88)

Got a few questions (dont I always, but at least I know the most
knowledgeable group to ask...):
Ok, as far as I can construe, the standard Epson printer driver uses
760 dpl (or is it 960), [anyway], I know that the Epson can do 1920 dpl
with 1/2 decent quality, if I modified a printer driver (assuming I am
able to, which I am) to run at that density, would things look any better?
Now how about the 24 pin printers?  Do they actually give any better
quality?  I figure that they could print 3 times more vertically in
one sweep, but are those 24 pins closer together?
In case you havent figured out, I am trying to get the best quality print
without using [req. -buy-] a laser printer.  Its just something to do
to pass the time.
Later Hacks,
       ________                         |-R38@PSUVM.PSU.EDU---------------|
    / /  ____  \                        | MARC RIFKIN                     |
   / /  /_/_/  /                        | 132 BEAVER HALL UNIVERSITY PARK |
  / /  ____   /                         | 16802 (814)862-6892             |
 / /  /  \ \  \ A E G I S   OF VERTEX   +=================================+
/ /__/   / /__/ ---===---        INC.
                                       "NICE NIGHT FOR AN EVENING, HUH?"

daveb@cbmvax.UUCP (Dave Berezowski) (02/11/88)

In article <32265R38@PSUVM> R38@PSUVM.BITNET (aka Marc Rifkin) writes:
>Got a few questions (dont I always, but at least I know the most
>knowledgeable group to ask...):
>Ok, as far as I can construe, the standard Epson printer driver uses
>760 dpl (or is it 960), [anyway], I know that the Epson can do 1920 dpl
>with 1/2 decent quality, if I modified a printer driver (assuming I am
>able to, which I am) to run at that density, would things look any better?
>Now how about the 24 pin printers?  Do they actually give any better
>quality?  I figure that they could print 3 times more vertically in
>one sweep, but are those 24 pins closer together?
>In case you havent figured out, I am trying to get the best quality print
>without using [req. -buy-] a laser printer.  Its just something to do
>to pass the time.
>Later Hacks,
>       ________                         |-R38@PSUVM.PSU.EDU---------------|
>    / /  ____  \                        | MARC RIFKIN                     |
>   / /  /_/_/  /                        | 132 BEAVER HALL UNIVERSITY PARK |
>  / /  ____   /                         | 16802 (814)862-6892             |
> / /  /  \ \  \ A E G I S   OF VERTEX   +=================================+
>/ /__/   / /__/ ---===---        INC.
>                                       "NICE NIGHT FOR AN EVENING, HUH?"

	The V1.2 Epson driver uses the 120x72 dpi mode of the printer
(ie. 960 dots across the page).  The V1.3 EpsonX driver supports the
240x72 dpi mode (ie. 1920 dots across the page).  Yes, you do get better
output at 240 dpi.

	Most 24-pin printers support 180x180 dpi with the ability to go
to 360x180.  The V1.3 EpsonQ driver supports 90, 120, 180, and 360 dpi.
Yes, the output is much faster than an 8 pin printer (1/3 less passes of
the print head) and the quality is better.  The 360 x 180 mode gives you
64,800 dots/sq. inch vs 90,000 dots/sq. inch for a laser printer.

	I don't know when the new drivers will be out.  I mention them
just so you know that I've played with these different densities and
know what I'm talking about.

	One other note:  Some printers has dual/quad density whereby
consecutive dots across the page ARE NOT printable.  What this means is
that while there may be 1920 ADDRESSABLE DOTS, if dot n, n+1, and n+2 are
turned on, only dots n and n+2 are printed.  This is due to a limitation
of the print mechanism.  A technique to overcome this is to print the
line in two passes; the first pass would print all the even dots, the
second pass would print all the odd dots.  This of course would double
the printing time.

	Regards, David Berezowski

lee@uhccux.UUCP (Greg Lee) (02/12/88)

From article <32265R38@PSUVM>, by R38@PSUVM.BITNET (aka Marc Rifkin):
> Ok, as far as I can construe, the standard Epson printer driver uses
> 760 dpl (or is it 960), [anyway], I know that the Epson can do 1920 dpl
> with 1/2 decent quality, if I modified a printer driver (assuming I am
> able to, which I am) to run at that density, would things look any better?

Things might not look any better.  I've compared the horizontal resolution
on an Epson FX-80 at 120dpi and 240dpi and on an MX-80 at 120dpi and
seen no difference.  But maybe later models are different, ...
	Greg, lee@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu