[comp.sys.amiga] Xicon -- oops!

pete@violet.berkeley.edu ( Pete Goodeve ) (02/15/88)

From an earlier message :

 > [....]
 > Have I missed a bug report on Xicon 2.0?  [....]

Well, if you REALLY want one....

While I was putting together some fancy demos of the Xicon tricks I
mentioned in a previous note a few days ago, I found a little glitch
that had slipped by me before.  The LOCDIR feature I was talking about
is likely to make your disk icons a bit persistent.  (And it was meant
to stand for "LOCal DIRectory", not "LOCk DIRectory"...  Oh, well.)

If you use the LOCDIR ToolType when the icon is anywhere but the root
directory, some locks are obtained for that device that are never
released.  (I thought ParentDir() just returned an existing lock.
Should'a known better.)  The fix is simply to insert a temporary variable
for the result of ParentDir(), and to UnLock() it again immediately
after it's used.  Unfortunately, although I included Xicon.c with
the distribution, I forgot the FindWindow.c that's needed too! (It's
slightly different from the CATS original.)  Which means that nobody
else can recompile it.  Damn.  I'll have to send out a fix.

                                    -- Pete Goodeve --