[comp.sys.amiga] 4.3 motherboard, drive shortage, noisy fans

eve@ssc-vax.UUCP (Michael Eve) (02/19/88)

I received my back-ordered 2000 two weeks ago and finally opened it up
last night.  The motherboard has a rev 4.3 sticker on it, so it's still
onwards and upwards with the rev numbers.  I have no idea what the differences 
are between 4.2 and 4.3, but it seems to work well enough.

An extra 3.5" drive is back-ordered.  The store claims Commodore
keeps delaying delivery on add-on drives.  Someone else I know
couldn't get an extra Commodore drive for his 2000 and bought
another vendor's drive.  I hope the problem is just that Commodore
is sticking all the drives in 500's to flood the market.  Still,
I think a little more consideration is due 2000 owners who need
the second drive.

Last, I see Apple also has noisy fan problems with the SE.
They introduced a new fan in December, and old owners can upgrade
for $90.  The fan in my 2000 (which is supposedly quieter than
the original 2000 fan) is still incredibly loud.  It's not just
the whoosh sound I'd expect from air, but an irrating grinding/
vibration noise that is very objectionable.  I'd like to leave
the machine on all the time, but the fan is just so distracting
when I'm studying I have to turn it off.  Are quiet fans really
that hard to find?  By comparison, I didn't even know my 1000
had a fan (seriously!) until I read about it; that's quiet!
I may just disconnect the fan since I'm running a barebones 2000.
	Mike Eve     Boeing Aerospace, Seattle
