[comp.sys.amiga] MIDI/GAMES/etc

trb@stag.UUCP ( Todd Burkey ) (01/24/88)

In article <1901@cadovax.UUCP> keithd@cadovax.UUCP (Keith Doyle) writes:
>Except for the minor detail that MIDI is not bidirectional.  It's a one-way
>link.  But then you can do what the MIDI people do, and use one cable
>for send, and one for receive.  The Atari ST achieves a bidirectional
>link (when using it for networking) presumably by diverging from MIDI spec.

This is just a problem of semantics here. As in the Atari,  most midi
keyboards have both a midi in port and a midi out port. And some
even have a midi through port.  Most of the Amiga add-on MIDI ports
support this. It really depends on how you think of the wiring in
the cables...

One nice thing is that by FOLLOWING the MIDI spec, Atari owners are
able to use MIDI for networking. You just make a ring by going from
the midi out of one machine to the midi in of another all the way
around until you have completed the circle (just like musicians have
had to do for years now hooking up their midi instruments to
computers). It isn't the fastest net, but it is inexpensive and easy
to set up (an ethernet connection is about $150 for the ST...but then
you have to have something to hook up with.) It is plenty fast enough
for networking 10 or so computers in a friendly(?) game of Midi-Maze.

Speaking of Midi-Maze ( :-) )...has anyone heard if that is out yet
for the Amiga. Considering how competitive and noisy it gets in my
house when 8 of us ST owners get together for a shootout, I can
imagine what it will be like when I invite 8 of my Amiga owning
friends over...team play would be interesting.

  -Todd Burkey

dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) (01/27/88)

:One nice thing is that by FOLLOWING the MIDI spec, Atari owners are
:able to use MIDI for networking. You just make a ring by going from
:the midi out of one machine to the midi in of another all the way
:around until you have completed the circle (just like musicians have
:had to do for years now hooking up their midi instruments to
:computers). It isn't the fastest net, but it is inexpensive and easy
:to set up (an ethernet connection is about $150 for the ST...but then
:you have to have something to hook up with.) It is plenty fast enough
:for networking 10 or so computers in a friendly(?) game of Midi-Maze.

	Er, I don't see the advantage.  Why not just connect the normal
serial port Rx and Tx in a ring?  Better, one or two chips and a connector
will make you an O.C. (Open Collector) connection and you have ethernet-style
rather than ring (which is costly to nodes when the nodes are microcomputers).


wtm@neoucom.UUCP (Bill Mayhew) (01/28/88)

You can get some really funky feedback effects when two
synthesizers (or other MIDI devices) are connected in a ring
fashion with each synth's OUT connected to the other's IN.  Of
course, each synth has to be receiving and transmitting on the same
channel.  Feedback occurs because the local CPU in each synth has
to pick up the data look at it, and insert any of its own MIDI
events in the data stream; a slight delay is generated as the data
takes a trip though the CPU.  The MIDI THROUGH port should have no
delay, as by definition it is merely a repeater socket.

The lesson here for musicans is that if you are driving several
synthesizers from one MIDI out, it is best to connect them in
parallel, so that a time delay isn't imparted to notes that should
be coming out of several synths simultaneously.  Note that the
THROUGH port effectively connects them in parallel.

The lesson for programmers is that is makes a good token ring
approach (albeit slow in the case of MIDI 32.5 KBPS), and this has
been neatly exploited in the ST's Midi Maze program.


karl@sugar.UUCP (Karl Lehenbauer) (02/15/88)

In article <318@stag.UUCP>, trb@stag.UUCP ( Todd Burkey ) writes:
> One nice thing is that by FOLLOWING the MIDI spec, Atari...

Note:  The MIDI connectors, at least on the 520 ST, are *not* compliant
with the International MIDI Association (IMA) MIDI specification.  The
MIDI 1.0 spec, as defined by the IMA, specifies that the three unused pins 
on the five-pin DIN connectors be left unconnected.  The ST puts power on 
at least one of these pins.  Granted, it can easily be hacked to be compliant,
and since (apparently) no other manafacturer has deviated from the spec, it 
hasn't fried anyone's hardware (yet).  Nonetheless, the ST does not comply
with the spec.

> ...Atari owners are
> able to use MIDI for networking. You just make a ring by going from
> the midi out of one machine to the midi in of another all the way
> around until you have completed the circle (just like musicians have
> had to do for years now hooking up their midi instruments to
> computers). 

I thought pretty hard about using MIDI as a token ring back when the ST
came out.  The problem is that *all* the machines in the ring have to be
up and running the network software or the net doesn't work.  On commercial 
token ring implementations, such as Apollo's, there is a relay on each 
workstation's network board that causes the machine to be electrically 
disconnected from the net when the machine is down or when it's up but 
the network software isn't running.  (Granted, there are pathological
conditions that can still break a net)  On a machine implemented the way 
the ST is; that is, a machine that needs to be rebooted a lot in the
normal course of it's operation, this is fatal for anything but hoyybist
..!uunet!nuchat!sugar!karl, Unix BBS (713) 933-2440

trb@stag.UUCP ( Todd Burkey ) (02/18/88)

In article <1452@sugar.UUCP> karl@sugar.UUCP (Karl Lehenbauer) writes:

>On commercial 
>token ring implementations, such as Apollo's, there is a relay on each 
>workstation's network board that causes the machine to be electrically 
>disconnected from the net when the machine is down or when it's up but 
>the network software isn't running.  (Granted, there are pathological
>conditions that can still break a net)

We have around 300 Apollo's on two rings at work...it is really easy
to break a net :-(. Remember also that that relay wasn't always on the
Apollo boards. We got along fine during the early Apollo workstation
years without such a switch.  Then networks got so large we started demanding
such a beast.

>On a machine implemented the way 
>the ST is; that is, a machine that needs to be rebooted a lot in the
>normal course of it's operation, this is fatal for anything but hoyybist

Fortunately it is mostly the hobbyists that spend all their time
rebooting their computers.  I've used ST's in a normal business environment
(engineering and software development) for days on end with out seeing
a crash. As a developer, however, I think I can safely say that
neither the Amiga or the ST (I used to have both) could make it
through a night of programming without resetting and maybe even
rebooting a couple of times (my programming anyway, since I always
seem to save up my goofups for when I am in in supervisor mode...)

If properly implemented, I would imagine that a Midi Ring could even
handle the occassional reboot without any glitches. Midi-Maze seems to
handle this pretty well...you can remove a machine from the network
without causing everyone to reboot, but obviously the net is down
until the connection is re-established. I can envision a little
heartbeat controlled bypass circuit that could be built for several
dollars per machine, but it just wouldn't be worth the effort on small

  -Todd Burkey

richard@gryphon.CTS.COM (Richard Sexton) (02/19/88)

In article <343@stag.UUCP> trb@stag.UUCP ( Todd Burkey ) writes:
>In article <1452@sugar.UUCP> karl@sugar.UUCP (Karl Lehenbauer) writes:
>>On commercial 
>>token ring implementations, such as Apollo's, there is a relay on each 
>>workstation's network board that causes the machine to be electrically 
>>disconnected from the net when the machine is down or when it's up but 
>>the network software isn't running.  (Granted, there are pathological
>>conditions that can still break a net)
>We have around 300 Apollo's on two rings at work...it is really easy
>to break a net :-(. Remember also that that relay wasn't always on the
>Apollo boards. We got along fine during the early Apollo workstation
>years without such a switch.  Then networks got so large we started demanding
>such a beast.

300 ?   Gak, we had 15 and once a week we'd go crawling around the building
trying to find the break.

Boy I'm glad I use Z-boxes now...


    "Each morning when I wake up to rise, I'm living in a dreamland" 
   {ihnp4!scgvaxd!cadovax, rutgers!marque, codas!ddsw1} gryphon!richard