anton (06/29/82)
Just in case you didn't see it, this week's "National Examiner" has the headline.... HITLER IS ALIVE At age 93, nazi madman masterminded Argentina's invasion of the Falklands. It also goes on to accuse him of fermenting the troubles in the middle east, and quotes an Argentinian doctor who says "man can now live to age 200". This I HAVE to send a copy of to the folks back in England, I don't think they realise they have just beaten off the Nazi menace for a second time. In fact I even suspect the National Front don't know about it. In England, one of the "ethnic charectetures" of Americans, particularly those in the mid west and California, is of believing in all manner of weird things - just like this. Funny, I thought it was only a chareceture... (please, no flames. If you can't take jokes about yourself go back to kindegarten. If you want to make a personal reply, try an American joke about a charecture Englishman.)(p.s. I don't have a Liverpool accent or wear plus-fours and a bowler, Scottish brogues and a worstered hunting jacket are more my style....) /anton aylward