[comp.sys.amiga] Expanded Chip Ram?

steelie@pro-charlotte.cts.com (Jim Howard) (02/20/88)

I'm using a stock Amiga 1000 with the 2 meg starboard expansion,
for a total of 2.5 megs. I've found that all that extra memory
is pretty much useless with digitized sound, since it has to
be in chip ram to be played.(right?) Anyway the largest sample I
can get is a measly 360k!! Is there any way to expand the chip ram?
I heard that one of the kickstart eliminators does this, is it true?
I doubt it is true, so I am wondering is there a way to pipe the
sound data from an external source such as expanded ram, or a hard
disk, and THROUGH the chip ram, thus allowing for huge length samples.
I am almost sure that can be acomplished, but before I go nuts trying
to write a utility like that, Id like to know if anyone has already
written something to do that.

"Philosophy: Unintelligble answers to insolvable problems." 

   UUCP:  ....!crash!pro-charlotte!steelie    | Pro-Charlotte - (704) 567-0029
   ARPA:  crash!pro-charlotte!steelie@nosc.mil| 300/1200/2400 baud  24 hrs/day
   INET:  steelie@pro-charlotte.cts.com       | Log in as "register"

dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) (02/21/88)

	You can't expand CHIP ram.  The problem is not the limited
CHIP ram, but badly written programs which do not double buffer data
loading into CHIP ram..  I mean, think of it!  If you use two 16K
buffers, you would have nearly a second to fill a buffer from FAST
mem while the other one is playing...  How long does it take to copy
16K??  try about 14ms .. even less (round figures).


:I'm using a stock Amiga 1000 with the 2 meg starboard expansion,
:for a total of 2.5 megs. I've found that all that extra memory
:is pretty much useless with digitized sound, since it has to
:be in chip ram to be played.(right?) Anyway the largest sample I
:can get is a measly 360k!! Is there any way to expand the chip ram?
:I heard that one of the kickstart eliminators does this, is it true?
:I doubt it is true, so I am wondering is there a way to pipe the
:sound data from an external source such as expanded ram, or a hard
:disk, and THROUGH the chip ram, thus allowing for huge length samples.
:I am almost sure that can be acomplished, but before I go nuts trying
:to write a utility like that, Id like to know if anyone has already
:written something to do that.
: Anyone?

gsarff@argus.UUCP (gary sarff) (02/24/88)

In article <2562@crash.cts.com>, steelie@pro-charlotte.cts.com (Jim Howard) writes:
> I doubt it is true, so I am wondering is there a way to pipe the
> sound data from an external source such as expanded ram, or a hard
> disk, and THROUGH the chip ram, thus allowing for huge length samples.
> I am almost sure that can be acomplished, but before I go nuts trying
> to write a utility like that, Id like to know if anyone has already
> written something to do that.
 I have an old demo I got last year from Germany, it is a digitized song
 by Queen, about 3.5-4 minutes long.  It is done on two amiga floppy disks!
 not even hard disk, the floppies can keep up with the sound if you spool
 it into the amiga in large enough blocks.  The program that plays the
 song is only about 3K, probably in assembler, Lattice or Manx back then
 wouldn't make object files that small.  So it can be done pretty easily
 just allocate a block of chip mem, say 64 or 128K, and feed from the
 disk, start sound I/O, or maybe two 64K's and double buffer.  I played with
 it a bit last year and it isn't really that hard.

Gary Sarff           {uunet|ihnp4|philabs}!spies!argus!gsarff
To program is human, to debug is something best left to the gods.
"Spitbol?? You program in a language called Spitbol?"
  The reason computer chips are so small is that computers don't eat much.