[comp.sys.amiga] Finding area of a polygon

rokicki@polya.STANFORD.EDU (Tomas G. Rokicki) (02/28/88)

 *   Takes an array containing points of a polygon, and
 *   calculates the area.  Assumes the polygon has no
 *   crossing segments or such, and that the first point
 *   is repeated.  For instance, the unit square would
 *   be represented by:
 *   pts[] = { 0, 0,
 *             0, 1,
 *             1, 1,
 *             1, 0,
 *             0, 0 } ;
 *   n = 4 ;
area(pts, n)
int *pts, n ;
   long tot = 0 ;

   while (n > 0) {
      tot += (pts[1] + pts[3]) * (long)(pts[2] - pts[0]) ;
             /* (y1 + y2) * (x2 - x1) */
      pts += 2 ;
   if (tot < 0)
      tot = - tot ;
   return(tot / 2) ;