sdo (07/02/82)
For those who missed it the first time I posted it, here is some information about the UNIX(TM) Timesharing System for UNIVAC(TM) 1100 Series Systems. (That's the legal name - we call it UNIX (1100) which is, of course, an adjective.) We are a Bell Labs group who have developed a Version 7-like UNIX Operating System on top of UNIVAC's Executive on 1100 60's and 80's. (We didn't do it just for fun -- it's for sale.) I will send more detailed information to anyone who sends me mail. Before you bombard me, however, check with your local UNIVAC support people - they may already have some information. Scott Orshan Bell Labs, Rm 2C-309 6 Corporate Place Piscataway, NJ 08854 201-981-3064 houxi!u1100a!sdo mhtsa!u1100a!sdo pyux?!u1100a!sdo