[comp.sys.amiga] buying equipment for people

rmariani@watmum.waterloo.edu (Rico Mariani) (02/10/88)

If we're going to buy a new Amiga system for anyone it should be one of
our contributers (Matt Dillon comes to mind) not some bozo writing for
Byte.  I personally would be willing to donate money towards the
purchase of one of our developers next piece of hardware.  Probably
would be well worth the $$. 


thomson@utah-cs.UUCP (Richard A Thomson) (02/15/88)

In article <3203@watcgl.waterloo.edu> rmariani@watmum.waterloo.edu
    (Rico Mariani) writes:
>If we're going to buy a new Amiga system for anyone it should be one of
>our contributers (Matt Dillon comes to mind) not some bozo writing for
>Byte.  I personally would be willing to donate money towards the
>purchase of one of our developers next piece of hardware.  Probably
>would be well worth the $$. 
>	-Rico

I thought of this same thing when I read the article about buying a machine
for (ugh!) Jerry Pournelle.  The person I thought should get a nice new
Amiga is... Fred Fish!  Heck, the guy has single-handedly brought all of us
together through his freely distributable software library.  Any seconds on
the idea?					Rich Thomson

jmpiazza@sunybcs.uucp (Joseph Piazza) (02/15/88)

In article <5263@utah-cs.UUCP> thomson@cs.utah.edu.UUCP (Richard A Thomson) writes:
>In article <3203@watcgl.waterloo.edu> rmariani@watmum.waterloo.edu
>    (Rico Mariani) writes:
>>If we're going to buy a new Amiga system for anyone it should be one of
>>our contributers (Matt Dillon comes to mind) not some bozo writing for
>>Byte. ...
>I thought of this same thing when I read the article about buying a machine
>for (ugh!) Jerry Pournelle.  The person I thought should get a nice new
>Amiga is... Fred Fish!  Heck, ...
>together through his freely distributable software library.  Any seconds on
>the idea?

	Not here.  The suggestion of giving an Amiga to Mr. Pournelle was
not as a reward but to get him to use it and (naturally) fall in love with it
and start giving the Amiga good press instead of the off-handed, mis-informed 
comments he is currently dishing out.

Flip side,

	joe piazza

In capitalism, man exploits man.
In communism, it's the other way around.

CS Dept. SUNY at Buffalo 14260
UU: ...{rocksvax|decvax}!sunybcs!jmpiazza
CS: jmpiazza@cs.buffalo.edu
BI: jmpiazza@sunybcs

rmariani@watmum.waterloo.edu (Rico Mariani) (02/15/88)

>> [ discussion about buying someone some hardware ]
>    This sounds remarkabley like my idea, instead of doing it only once,
> what we could do is.  We should make a "Great amiga contributer award,"
>and it would consist of as many of us as posible donating a dollar or 800,
>to the fund.  And when we have enough, we go out and buy the person who has
>done the most for the amiga, and is not getting paid for it, or is not getting
>paid enough, something like a HD, a couple meg, or even a Mach 5 (8^)) amiga.
>This would provoke even some of us "Yeah I wrote a program that has no 'market'
>but is awfully slick nonetheless." to pd their stuff. 
>('market' is basically a catch all phrase that distributers hand you, when they
> a) want to steal your idea/program, b) don't think it can make money, 
> c) don't like your looks)

I think this is a terrific idea!  I'd be happy to donate some amount of money
towards the fund.  Maybe we could set up a 'scholarship' type thing where
we keep drawing on the interest and awarding a prize when suffient funds
have developed.  It would be real nice to see people who have done work
towards making the Amiga a more pleasant machine to work on getting some
reward.  Think we should have a referendum?  We need someone who isn't
so far away from the action as I am to collect email votes...


fnf@mcdsun.UUCP (Fred Fish) (02/16/88)

In article <5263@utah-cs.UUCP> thomson@cs.utah.edu.UUCP (Richard A Thomson) writes:
>I thought of this same thing when I read the article about buying a machine
>for (ugh!) Jerry Pournelle.  The person I thought should get a nice new
>Amiga is... Fred Fish!  Heck, the guy has single-handedly brought all of us
>together through his freely distributable software library.  Any seconds on
>the idea?					Rich Thomson

Thanks for the thought, but I'm starting to have the same problem Jerry is
always complaining about, too many computers for the available space.  The
library would never have existed without the generosity of all the people
that wrote useful code and examples, and then released them to share with
the rest of us.  Perhaps we should hold a contest for "most prolific and
needy Amiga PD software author" and give him/her the new Amiga...


# Fred Fish    hao!noao!mcdsun!fnf    (602) 438-3614
# Motorola Computer Division, 2900 S. Diablo Way, Tempe, Az 85282  USA

dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) (02/16/88)

	The problem is that there are simply too many good people out 
there!  We would be arguing forever over who would get what.


nelson@cg-atla.UUCP (Blake Nelson X7083) (02/18/88)

In article <8802160104.AA03833@cory.Berkeley.EDU> dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) writes:
>	The problem is that there are simply too many good people out 
>there!  We would be arguing forever over who would get what.
>				-Matt

I know! Everyone buy a 2000 and hand it to the person to your right!

peter@nuchat.UUCP (Peter da Silva) (02/21/88)

Nobody has yet noted the *real* problem with the idea of getting
Jerry Pournelle an Amiga.

He already has one.
-- a clone of Peter (have you hugged your wolf today) da Silva  `-_-'
-- normally  ...!hoptoad!academ!uhnix1!sugar!peter                U
-- Disclaimer: These aren't mere opinions... these are *values*.

grr@cbmvax.UUCP (George Robbins) (02/25/88)

In article <668@nuchat.UUCP> peter@nuchat.UUCP (Peter da Silva) writes:
> Nobody has yet noted the *real* problem with the idea of getting
> Jerry Pournelle an Amiga.
> He already has one.

No, he already has *TWO*, one being an olde A1000 from the Los Gatos
folks, the other being a A2000 dealer unit w/hard drive, etc.

I don't know how the A2000's doing, but I haven't heard any bad news
or complaints lately...

George Robbins - now working for,	uucp: {uunet|ihnp4|rutgers}!cbmvax!grr
but no way officially representing	arpa: cbmvax!grr@uunet.uu.net
Commodore, Engineering Department	fone: 215-431-9255 (only by moonlite)

keithd@cadovax.UUCP (Keith Doyle) (02/26/88)

In article <668@nuchat.UUCP> peter@nuchat.UUCP (Peter da Silva) writes:
>Nobody has yet noted the *real* problem with the idea of getting
>Jerry Pournelle an Amiga.
>He already has one.

Yes, what he really needs is that CP/M emulator, so he can run WRITE,
his favorite word processor.

Keith Doyle
#  {ucbvax,decvax}!trwrb!cadovax!keithd  Contel Business Systems 213-323-8170

lbrown@apctrc.UUCP (Lawrence H. Brown) (03/02/88)

In article <3243@watcgl.waterloo.edu: rmariani@watmum.waterloo.edu (Rico Mariani) writes:
:>> [ discussion about buying someone some hardware ]
:>    This sounds remarkabley like my idea, instead of doing it only once,
:> what we could do is.  We should make a "Great amiga contributer award,"
:>and it would consist of as many of us as posible donating a dollar or 800,
:I think this is a terrific idea!  I'd be happy to donate some amount of money
:towards the fund.  Maybe we could set up a 'scholarship' type thing where
:we keep drawing on the interest and awarding a prize when suffient funds

AH, guys, wasn't this the idea behind the Badge KILLER DEMO CONTEST?

Don't get me wrong, I think its a great idea, but maybe we don't have to
reinvent the wheel to do it.  Maybe we just need to add fuel to the fire of 
the great minds (Slightly warped, make offer) of the Oasis-inhabitants over
there at Stanford U. 

Maybe enlarge the catigory just a bit to give utilities and productivty
writers a chance at the goodies. (Example: I think the guys that wrote
"shell" or vt100 or whatever, could use a bit of glory, their chance at
the prizes, as much as the guys who whip up a flashy demo.

(Hi Tom!)(Hi Leo!)

	Lawrence H. Brown
USENET: ...!uunet!apctrc!cdf!zlhb0a or zlhb0a@cdf.apctrc.uucp (?)
Phone: (918-660-4389) 24 hrs, voice. USmail: 7325 E. 50th, Tulsa, OK 74145
Disclaimer: I paid 25 cents to see the light.  Call it cheap entertainment.