[comp.sys.amiga] New York Times Amiga article

ugpete@sunybcs (Peter Theobald) (03/03/88)

<<Did you ever notice that you never see Ronald Reagan and the Line Eater at
  the same time?? Think about it.>>

There is an article about the Amiga 500 in the March 1 '88 New York Times.
It is on page C 9, so check it out. It talks an awful lot about where to
put your Amiga on your desk. As a matter of fact, it discusses arranging
your desk more than anything else; But it does get the message across that
the Amiga is a powerful computer at a great price.
	It's good to see publicity in such a prestigious newspaper. The art-
icle is generally favorable. The continuation of the article should appear
in the March 2 edition.

Peter Theobald				SUNY/Buffalo Computer Science
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