[comp.sys.amiga] Amiga in current issue of Electronic Musician!

jojo@astroatc.UUCP (Jon Wesener) (03/15/88)

	In the current Electronic Musician is a good article on the
Amiga showing what it can do!  They correct the rumours that you
couldn't use an amiga for doing MIDI control because of multi-tasking
and blame the initial software that tried to do it.  Then they survey
sets of music software, librarians, sequencers and say nice things
like it's the best machine you can get for less than $5000 or so.
It's nice to see the amy getting welcomed in to the music world!

jon wesener
... {seismo | harvard | ihnp4} ! {uwvax | cs.wisc.edu} ! astroatc!jojo

".. But its when you realize what you're doing that you despise it .."