[comp.sys.amiga] HBHill moves?

drpwilliams@watmath.waterloo.edu (Don R. P. Williams) (03/16/88)

	I recently got a copy of HBHill.anim and 
I'm using ShowANIM 4.0 to show it.  When I type
'showanim -C hbhill.anim' it loads, and displays
a still picture of a nice looking hill.  

	If I didn't have half-brite would the hill 
look garbled?  (it looks nice to me, so does
that mean I have EHB?)

	Does this animation have any motion, or is 
it just in ANIM format because ShowANIM 4.0 
supports half-brite and the other programs
like ViewILBM do not?

     ///                                          Eternally looking for
    ///    Don Williams                           digitized pictures of
\\\///                                            the NCC-1701-D ...
 \XX/      UUCP: drpwilliams@watmath.waterloo.edu

papa@pollux.usc.edu (Marco Papa) (03/17/88)

In article <17506@watmath.waterloo.edu| drpwilliams@watmath.waterloo.edu (Don R. P. Williams) writes:
|	I recently got a copy of HBHill.anim and 
|I'm using ShowANIM 4.0 to show it.  When I type
|'showanim -C hbhill.anim' it loads, and displays
|a still picture of a nice looking hill.  
|	If I didn't have half-brite would the hill 
|look garbled?  (it looks nice to me, so does
|that mean I have EHB?)

NO, it means you DON't have EHB.  On  an EHB-machine, a "dancing" Fred Astaire
would show up on top of the Hill.  Sorry :-)

-- Marco

cmcmanis%pepper@Sun.COM (Chuck McManis) (03/17/88)

In article <17506@watmath.waterloo.edu> (Don R. P. Williams) writes:
>	If I didn't have half-brite would the hill 
>look garbled?  (it looks nice to me, so does
>that mean I have EHB?)

No, if you had EHB you would see a dancing shadow of Fred Astaire in front
of the hill. Sorry, looks like you are in the non-EHB camp. 

--Chuck McManis
uucp: {anywhere}!sun!cmcmanis   BIX: cmcmanis  ARPAnet: cmcmanis@sun.com
These opinions are my own and no one elses, but you knew that didn't you.

jwilson@ccvaxa.UUCP (03/18/88)

The hill is just the background, if you have half-brite, There will be
a dancer infront of the hill doing an interesting little step.  It's quite
neet, he is semi-transparent(hense half-brite), and on a machine with 1 meg
or more, you can even run a version which plays music for him to dance to.

If you only got the hill, EHB is not supported on your Amy.

Jeff Wilson
Gould Software Division- Urbana, IL
(all subject to change -- both usenet and arapanet address are moving soon )

All opinions are my own, but then again, who else would want them.

drpwilliams@watmath.waterloo.edu (Don R. P. Williams) (03/19/88)

In article <45778@sun.uucp>, cmcmanis%pepper@Sun.COM (Chuck McManis) writes:
> In article <17506@watmath.waterloo.edu> (Don R. P. Williams) writes:
> >	If I didn't have half-brite would the hill 
> >look garbled?  (it looks nice to me, so does
> >that mean I have EHB?)
> No, if you had EHB you would see a dancing shadow of Fred Astaire in front
> of the hill. Sorry, looks like you are in the non-EHB camp. 
> --Chuck McManis

Damn, and I thought I had EHB!  I bought my Amiga1000 brand spankin new
in August '87 which was after they just released the Amiga500 and Amiga2000.
I didn't have any PD programs back then (during the 90-day warranty) so
I couldn't test for EHB.  From what I've read in this newsgroup about
how only the ancient 1000s were non-EHB, I was quite confident that I
was blessed with it.  I admit it isn't such a big deal, but I just
wish I knew during the warranty period.  Do you think this would have
been covered in the warranty?

     ///                                          Eternally looking for
    ///    Don Williams                           digitized pictures of
\\\///                                            the NCC-1701-D ...
 \XX/      UUCP: drpwilliams@watmath.waterloo.edu

mike@ames.arpa (Mike Smithwick) (03/22/88)

In article <17506@watmath.waterloo.edu> drpwilliams@watmath.waterloo.edu (Don R. P. Williams) writes:
>	I recently got a copy of HBHill.anim and 
>I'm using ShowANIM 4.0 to show it.  When I type
>'showanim -C hbhill.anim' it loads, and displays
>a still picture of a nice looking hill.  
>	If I didn't have half-brite would the hill 
>look garbled?  (it looks nice to me, so does
>that mean I have EHB?)

Uh, apparently you don't have halfbright, keemosabee. If you did, you would
see a shaded Fred Astair dancing in front of the Nice Looking hill.

			   *** mike (Cyberpunk in training) smithwick ***
"live long and multi-task"
[discalimer : nope, I don't work for NASA, I take full blame for my ideas]