[comp.sys.amiga] Ashton Tate may port DBASE to the Amiga

crgabb@sdrc.UUCP (Rob Gabbard) (04/19/88)

 The following petition form was posted on the AMiga forum on Compuserve. The
accompanying message said that Ashton Tate would port DBASE to the Amiga if 
enough interest was generated.

Dear Ashton-Tate:

	Below is listed a representation of the Amiga users that
would be very interested to see Ashton-Tate port DBASE to the
Amiga. We represent the business, education, and hobby Amiga
	Word Perfect has been ported over to the Amiga Computer and
seems to be very pleased with its profits. We feel that Ashton-
Tate would also be very pleased with its profits also if they
would port DBASE to the Amiga.
	Often times a large company such as yours would like to know
the market before moving in to it. We hope that this will serve
as a small indication of that market.
	Please respond to us via Compuserve or directly to
Gerald Novak, PO Box 254, Iola,Wi, 54945 (CIS # 76515,3515).
	Thank You for your attention.
Name					City, State			 Phone

Rob Gabbard                               |    UUNET: uunet!sdrc!crgabb
Workstation Systems Programmer            |    PHONE: (513)576-2600
Structural Dynamics Research Corporation  |