[comp.sys.amiga] Bootstrapping into the Amiga mainstream

stafford@soleil.UUCP (Bill Stafford) (04/27/88)

I just acquired a used Amiga 1000 and need to be bootstrapped into the
Amiga mainstream.  I also have virtually no Amiga experience so I apologize in 
advance for the following naive questions.

My machine came with KickStart and WorkBench versions 1.1.  I know these are
not the latest, Can I get the current versions from CA?  
If not, where?

Are there any hardware updates needed for 1000's of the 1.1 generation?

Has the developers manual set been changed since 1.1?

What magazines, other than the obvious AW, contain useful Amiga info?

Are there any Amiga clubs/users groups and/or good sources of Amiga hw/sw
( i.e. knowlegable dealers) in the central NJ area?

I am interested in obtaining and displaying weather data, the AccuWeather 
'animated' stuff.  Has anyone done this?  If so, would you e-mail me a
brief description of hw/sw requirements and general procedure.