[comp.sys.amiga] ARP resident command

langz@athena.mit.edu (Lang Zerner) (04/30/88)

I've been using the ARP resident command, and I seem to remember it working as
advertised.  However, I just noticed that when I tried to cd to df1: with my
Workbench disk out, I got a system requester asking for my WB disk.  I thought
to myself, "Hmmm.  Maybe for some reason my startup-sequence got corrupted and
didn't put cd on the resident list as usual."  So I tried to do a resident FULL
to see the resident list.  I got another requester asking for my WB disk.  This
time I put the disk in, and lo and behold, my resident list:

Name             UseCount Checksum Segment
resident            0     7077E0E7 0030367F
cd                  0     844F14E8 0030559D

So they *were* on the list.  Then I tried resident again and it didn't need the
disk.  Further experimentation revealed that this was because the tracks were
cached thanks to AddBuffers (removing the disk cleared the cache and the
command got me a requester again).

I recently moved to ARP 1.1 after having used rez for a while.  With rez, I was
used to the idea that the resident stuff stayed resident.  With the ARP
resident, it appears that nothing becomes resident.  What gives, Charlie?

P.S.  Since I'm sure I'll be getting responses from ARP experts, I thought I'd
run this other thing by you all:  if I 'resident arun AS run', will that get me
around the "arun calls run" problem?

Be seeing you...
 Lang Zerner      langz@athena.mit.edu     ihnp4!mit-eddie!athena.mit.edu!langz
"Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage..." 
      -- Bill Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, I.v.19

giao@infmx.UUCP (Giao TienVu) (05/02/88)

My understanding is that the ARP Resident command (and the rumored
AmigaDOS Resident) needs a different CLI.  The current CLI always
searches the path for commands but not the resident list.

Giao Vu