[net.general] net.physics

doug (08/06/82)

a couple of people have responded favorable to a suggestion to
have a net.physics.

as originally suggested, it could be a place to 

(i)  discuss gee-whiz, cosmic type stuff in physics (the current 
discussion about space and time in net.misc for example)

(ii) talk about current research in physics (do protons decay? are
diamonds forever?)

(iii) ask "stupid" questions about physics (a comp sci student is
in a canoe in a swimming pool.  he has a bunch of heavy rocks in
his canoe.  if he takes the rocks out of his boat and drops them
into the water, does the water level of the pool go up, go down
or stay the same?)

(iv) talk about using computers in physics!

(v) etc.

Is anyone out there interested?

Doug Lerner