[comp.sys.amiga] Nasty Word Perfect bug

michael@stb.UUCP (Michael) (05/18/88)

I just got a nasty word perfect bug.

Repeat by: Do spell check. Have it tell you it can't find the file, so go
to workbench. Select the disk icon, then try to rename it (the disk) so
the spelling file can be found.

Problem: As soon as you hit the menu button, the system locks up.
Worse, this clobbers vd0: (this is what makes it so nasty)

I have no idea which revision my WP is--no date is displayed when I start it
up. List shows november 23rd, 1987.
: --- 
: Michael Gersten			 uunet.uu.net!denwa!stb!michael
:				 ihnp4!hermix!ucla-an!denwa!stb!michael
:				sdcsvax!crash!gryphon!denwa!stb!michael
: "Machine Takeover? Just say no."
: "Sockets? Just say no."     <-- gasoline

hrlaser@pnet02.UUCP (05/20/88)

michael@stb.UUCP (Michael) writes:
>I have no idea which revision my WP is--no date is displayed when I start it
>up. List shows november 23rd, 1987.

Your revision date is viewable by hitting the [HELP] key. The date
will show up on the Help window's top bar.  Most recent version is
Your WP package should have included a telephone support number. Hopefully
you sent in your registration. Call WP's support line (get this: they
have over 200 people who do nothing but customer support! [I did not say
they all do AMIGA customer support ;) ]) and report the "bug."  Ask them
to send you the latest revision.

Harv Laser, Sysop, The People/Link AmigaZone.  Plink: CBM*HARV
UUCP: {ihnp4!scgvaxd!cadovax, rutgers!marque}!gryphon!pnet02!hrlaser
INET: hrlaser@pnet02.cts.com