dssg (08/11/82)
1) Short of having an editor for EVERY newsgroup, and disallowing submission directly to the net, there is no way to prevent something that you personally may dislike from appearing in the netnews. 2) Even if you think it would prevent recurrence, posting criticism on the net is not the way to do it; it (a) wastes everybody else's time (b) probably won't be seen by the submitter (c) even if it is seen will probably be ignored (d) only encourages other morons to submit criticisms of the criticism (like me now) 3) If you feel you simply must vent your frustrations on a particular article and can't get it through your head to submit it to /dev/null, then PLEASE at least mail it to the submitter. 4) Why not spend the time more usefully by examining your own prejudices? On a more personal note, I am very pleased that such a 'thing' as the netnews has reached my universe; I can think of nothing more important in this day of growing computer communication/information exchange than to examine this phenomenon in all possible lights; and I am as infuriated (or more) to see fools waste such valuable commodities as their time, my time, and transmission time by submitting useless items. However, I am content (or have been up to this point) to let such things bounce off my eyes and mind; this article is merely to advocate the adoption of such a policy to everyone, as I think it is in the general interest. Hoping to receive criticisms bu mail, Mark Ingram (CCNG Distributed Systems)