[comp.sys.amiga] How do I reserve sprite 7?

michael@stb.UUCP (Michael) (06/18/88)

I want to prevent the system from doing anything with sprite #7. I want
sprite #6 to be availible for use. I have tried setting bit #7 of
GfxBase->SpriteReserved, but it didna do a bit of good.

(Why? Well, on overscan screens sprite 7 is the first (and only) one messed
: --- 
: Michael Gersten			 uunet.uu.net!denwa!stb!michael
:				 ihnp4!hermix!ucla-an!denwa!stb!michael
:				sdcsvax!crash!gryphon!denwa!stb!michael
: What would have happened if we had lost World War 2. Well, the west coast
: would be owned by Japan, we would all be driving foreign cars, hmm...