[comp.sys.amiga] Tower Records MUSIC SAMPLER

ereidell@athena.mit.edu (Evan A. Reidell) (06/19/88)

I was just at Tower Records here in Boston, where I saw the 
semi-famous "MUSIC SAMPLER" (I think I remember reading about it 
in Time Magazine or something.) Although it didn't say exactly 
how it worked, I'm pretty sure there was an Amiga inside there 
somewhere. Some DELUXE-PAINT-like graphics gave it away.

The deal with this is, there is a touch screen with areas of interest
and go to screens which take you one by one through some "selected"
albums. Touch the album, and you get your choice of three songs/cuts
from the album, touch one of these and you get to hear it, along with seeing 
a nice little "slide show" of pictures of the singer.

Impressive digitized pictures! And lots of them, too! But that's not all,
could it be that the music I heard was actually all digitized sound?

Anyway, look out for this next time you visit Tower Records. 
Long live the Amiga!

 *&@!&*%#@                                             &*%#@%#@$
&*%#@$*&@  Evan A. Reidell     ereidell@athena.mit.edu  &!&*&@!#*
 *%#@%#@$*                                             !&*%#@$*&

 W h o  F r a m e d  R o g e r  R a b b i t ... opens June 22nd!