[comp.sys.amiga] current directory

blandy@awamore.cs.cornell.edu (Jim Blandy) (06/27/88)

(difficult question to give this posting some substance)

	I'm writing a quick shell that uses the ARP library 
	so I can take advantage of the resident program list, which
	the CLI won't.  Or doesn't.  The problem is, when I SyncRun()
	(ARP's replacement for Execute()) cd, it does its stuff, but
	leaves my currect directory unchanged.  How can I (can I,
	period?) find out where cd left things?  I don't want to
	make cd a special command; if the user runs some special
	cd replacement, I want that to work too.

(simple question I feel stupid about asking)

	How can I set my current directory?  I could probably munge
	around with AmoebaDOS's data structures, but what's the
	system-approved way of doing it?

(sigh - on the C64, We never had these problems.  We didn't HAVE a
 current directory. :-)  You did context switching YOURSELF, by patching
 into the interrupt vector! Yeah! And... and... it was four miles to
 school, uphill! Yeah.)

What would people like to see in a diagram representation format?  Speed?
text characters only?  Extensibility?
Jim Blandy - blandy@crnlcs.bitnet
"insects were insects when man was just a burbling whatisit."  - archie