[comp.sys.amiga] Getting your current directory

gay%CLSEPF51.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (David Gay) (07/01/88)

Jim Blandy writes:
>(simple question I feel stupid about asking)
>    How can I set my current directory?  I could probably munge
>    around with AmoebaDOS's data structures, but what's the
>    system-approved way of doing it?
   BPTR dir;

   /* ... */

   CurrentDir(dir = CurrentDir(0L));

dir will then be a lock on the current directory (To those that know: the
use of 0 won't cause a demand for the boot disk, will it ?). To actually
get the path, you then have to fool around with this. Here's a little code
to do so:

char *getpath(to, l)
register char *to;
register BPTR l;
   register BPTR tl;
   register int notfirst = FALSE;
   register struct FileInfoBlock *fib = (struct FileInfoBlock *)AllocMem(sizeof(
struct FileInfoBlock), 0);

   if (!fib) return(NULL);
   to[0] = '\0';

   do {
      if (!Examine(l, fib)) return(NULL);
      if (fib->fib_DirEntryType > 0) strins(to, "/");
      if (fib->fib_FileName[0] == '\0') strins(to, "RAM"); /* Special case ... *
      else strins(to, fib->fib_FileName);
      tl = l;
      l = ParentDir(l);
      if (notfirst) UnLock(tl);
      notfirst = TRUE;
   } while (l);

   *(strchr(to, '/')) = ':';
   FreeMem((char *)fib, sizeof(struct FileInfoBlock));

This compiles under Lattice C v4.01, "l" is the lock for which you want the
path, "to" points to a buffer "big enough" to accept the path (Yes, it
would be nicer if there was a maximum length argument). If there's a bug in
this, that's one more to add to the list of bugs in the hp11 ... (A new
version coming from the moderators one day ...).

>Jim Blandy - blandy@crnlcs.bitnet
>"insects were insects when man was just a burbling whatisit."  - archie

David Gay   Studying Computer Science at the EPFL,
            Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland.

GAY@CLSEPF51.bitnet (till August)

P.S. I hope this wasn't in comp.sys.amiga.tech. I receive all this through
amiga-relay, and I don't know if I receive comp.sys.amiga alone or not (some
of the messages I receive suggest that they were posted to .tech, now and
again I receive something in duplicate (cross-posted ?), but as I don't get
a newsgroup line in the messages ...). Anybody care to enlighten me ?