[comp.sys.amiga] Transformer for A2000 ?

HRZ230%DE0HRZ1A.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (06/30/88)

has anybody a running version of transformer (MS-Dos emulator) for the
A2000?? I have only a version for the A500 which locked  my keyboard.
Perhaps can anybody tell me where can i get it and what is the price
(or is it PD). Or is there another ms-dos emulator for the a2000
available? I didn't buy a bridgeboard, because i need ms-dos on the
amiga only for a few times.
Thanks alot for help,

Joachim Kopf            Universitaet GHS Essen
hrz230@de0hrz1a         W.-Germany
on IBM vm/sp

sneakers@heimat.UUCP (Dan "Sneakers" Schein) (07/02/88)

In Message <3176@louie.udel.EDU> mmdf@udel.EDU writes:

>has anybody a running version of transformer (MS-Dos emulator) for the
>A2000?? I have only a version for the A500 which locked  my keyboard.
>Perhaps can anybody tell me where can i get it and what is the price
>(or is it PD). Or is there another ms-dos emulator for the a2000
>available? I didn't buy a bridgeboard, because i need ms-dos on the
>amiga only for a few times.

   #1> CBM does not support the use of Transformer on the A200. Only the A500
       and A1000.

   #2> If you could find a US designed keyboard (has larger function keys and
       no space between the AMIGA keys and the space bar), chances are that
	   Transformer would work for you. Of course this is not a money back
	   promise, but it has been know to work.

Joachim Kopf            Universitaet GHS Essen
hrz230@de0hrz1a         W.-Germany
						^  ^^^^^^^
						            You might really have a hard time finding a
									Amercian keyboard - good luck!

 Dan "Sneakers" Schein   {ihnp4|allegra|burdvax|rutgers}!cbmvax!heimat!sneakers
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