[net.general] jessica

steve (09/07/82)

     IT'S HERE      IT'S HERE      IT'S HERE

                AHEAD OF SCHEDULE
                   UNDER BUDGET

     Released to BETA test on Friday September 3, 1982
     to the Neonatal IC unit of Hartford Hospital where
     all primary systems are functioning to specifications.

     Basic system shipping weight    4 lbs. 7 oz.
     but this system is designed to automatically expand
     based on the amount of input.

     At only 18 inches long this system may be held in 
     your arms for extended periods without fatigue.

     The system is equipped with Two blue indicator lights
     which tell you everything you ever wanted to know and
     a small but effective audio device which tells you
     everything else.

     NOTE: Future enhancements will enable voice synthesis
	   via this same audio device.

     Ventilation is supplied via a small(thank God) opening
     below the indicator lights and just above the audio device.

     Principle engineers:

      	Software - Steven DeMaio
	Hardware - Susan Demaio

     The Jessica Leigh DeMaio system is not for sale
     at any price, however discussion about design features 
     and current status are always welcome by the engineers.