[comp.sys.amiga] mg questions

leblanc@godzilla.ele.toronto.edu (Marcel LeBlanc) (08/10/88)


	I recently tried to start using mg (MicroGnuEmacs) on my Amiga
(version 1b, I missed a few files in the recent posting of mg2a).  At first
everyting works fine, until I am finished editing and try to exit - I am
immediately faced with "Software Error, Task Held ...".  Something with my
CLI boot disk is causing this problem.  If I boot using the standard V1.2
Workbench disk, everything works fine.  The Boot disk that is causing the
problem copies a few files to Ram:c/, then runs Matt Dillon's Shell2.07M (I
can't get Shell2.07LM to work either :-) ).  Exiting Shell doesn't help.
	Can anybody suggest what the problem might be?  BTW, what file (of
editor commands) does mg try to read when it starts up?

  Marcel A. LeBlanc
  University of Toronto -- Toronto, Canada
  also: LMS Technologies Ltd, Fredericton, NB, Canada

CSNET:	leblanc@godzilla.ele.toronto.edu   CDNNET: <...>.toronto.cdn
UUCP:	{decvax,linus,utzoo,uw-beaver}!utcsri!godzilla.ele!leblanc
ARPA:	leblanc%godzilla.ele.toronto.edu@relay.cs.net
BITNET:	leblanc@godzilla.ele.utoronto (may not work from all sites)

acphssrw@csuna.UUCP (Stephen R. Walton) (08/17/88)

In article <26700013@urbsdc> ggnau@urbsdc.Urbana.Gould.COM writes:
> It seems that mg depends on at least one of the files I 
>removed, namely 'diskfonts.lib'.  I added this file back to my libs dir, and
>mg worked again.  Why did this happen though???

mg has an option to create a function called "amiga-set-font" which allows
you to change the mg font on the fly.  You must have been running a version
with this function compiled in.

Stephen Walton, representing myself		swalton@solar.stanford.edu
Cal State, Northridge				rckg01m@calstate.BITNET