[comp.sys.amiga] Programming RS-232 & Digital Sound

clp@altos86.UUCP (Chuck L. Peterson) (08/26/88)

I am seriously considering the aquisition of an Amiga 2000
to do some C programming; however, I need to know if the
following can be done with reasonable effort.

1)	I want to write a terminal emulator; and I need
	to know if it is easy to write interrupt driven
	modem i/o routines.  How does this compare with
	the way the ibmpc does it? (i've already done that)

2)	I am also very interested in the amiga's sound?
	How do you make your program use digitized sound?
	For example; say you wanted your program to use
	various rings and bells you have recordings of
	elsewhere in your application.  How do you go about
	getting your program to emit Star Trek phaser
	and torpedo sounds?  A brief description on the
	C interface would be greatly apreciated.

Please reply via mail if possible...

Chuck L. Peterson