[comp.sys.amiga] Dave Wecker's address

dooley@helios.toronto.edu (Kevin Dooley) (08/17/88)

Recently I have received several requests for information regarding
the DBWrender ray tracing program due to an erroneous posting to
INFO-AMIGA.  I must appologize for my lack of information on this
subject since, contrary to that posting, I am not a registered user
of this program.  I do intend to send Mr. Wecker the suggested $18 (US)
shareware contribution, but I have not done so yet because I have not
had any time in the past 4 months since I recieved the March 15, 1987
version to actually use this program (PhD supervisors can really cut
into your fun just by asking you to do some work).  There have been
rumors of a more recent version of this program.  I suggest that anyone
who is interested should write to the author for more information.
Here is the address I have:

	Dave B. Wecker
	115 Palm Springs Drive
	Colorado Springs, CO 80908

	ARPA:	wecker%cookie.dec.com@decwrl.dec.com
	USENET:	decwrl.dec.com!cookie.dec.com!wecker

			Best of luck,
				Kevin Dooley
				DOOLEY@UTORPHYS						 (bitnet)
			    dooley@helios.physics.utoronto.ca    (uucp)

ejkst@cisunx.UUCP (Eric J. Kennedy) (08/26/88)

In article <618@helios.toronto.edu> dooley@helios.physics.toronto.edu (Kevin Dooley) writes:
>Recently I have received several requests for information regarding
>the DBWrender ray tracing program due to an erroneous posting to

>into your fun just by asking you to do some work).  There have been
>rumors of a more recent version of this program.  I suggest that anyone
>who is interested should write to the author for more information.
>Here is the address I have:

>	Dave B. Wecker
>	115 Palm Springs Drive
>	Colorado Springs, CO 80908

>	ARPA:	wecker%cookie.dec.com@decwrl.dec.com
>	USENET:	decwrl.dec.com!cookie.dec.com!wecker

If you mean a more recent version than the 1.0 that can be found in
source form and in binary form, yes.  I've had DBW_Render 2.0 for a
while, now, like 6 months or a year.  Much improved, by the way.  There
is a new script language for scene definitions that saves a lot of
tedious work.

However, Dave is not supporting it alone any longer.  It is being
distributed by someone else, reportedly due to a conflict of interest
with Dave's employer.  The name and address is:

William T. Baldridge
2650 Sherwood Lane
Pueblo, CO  81005

Registration for version 2.0 is $36, or $18 for version 1.0 owners.

[I have no affiliation with Dave Wecker or William Baldridge except as
a satisfied customer.]

Eric Kennedy