[comp.sys.amiga] Help aborting serial I/O

ins_adjb@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Daniel Jay Barrett) (08/29/88)

	I am doing some programming involving the serial device.
I want to read from the serial port until either:

	(a)	An "end of data" character is read; or,
	(b)	The user presses a "cancel" gadget.

I know how to do (a) but not together with (b).

	The only device I/O command I really understand is DoIO(), but
it does not seem possible to abort a DoIO() in the middle... (is it?).

	Could somebody please send me a code fragment on how to
do this?  I assume it needs some type of Wait() loop, but I don't
know how to do it.

	Thanks so much!!
Dan Barrett	ins_adjb@jhunix.UUCP			UUCP
		barrett@cs.jhu.edu	(	ARPA
Dept. of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD  21218