[comp.sys.amiga] Re> Mindlight 7 writes notes ??

amichel@neabbs.UUCP (MICHEL LANGEREIS) (09/07/88)

> >james@spies.UUCP (JAMES) writes:
> >QUESTION#2) Is it possible with software and hardware capabilities
> >to digitize a song and have the computer convert the
> >wavelengths into notes/sheetmusic and then print it
>  haitex@pnet02.UUCP (Wade W. Bickel) writes
>  Check out a product called Visual Aurals by Geodesic
> Publishing.  I don't have the ph # handy, but if you cannot
> find it send me EMail and I will find it and send it to you.
> Part of the Visual Aurals product is a piece of hardware
> called the MindLight (about $100) which is capable of doing
> the necessary FFT's in real time.  They describe it as being
> an Electronic "Ear".
>  I have not seen the Mindlight in action, so I cannot
> give an opinion on how well it works.
Sure, the software of Mindlight 7 can print, but only IFF pixs and
not notes or whatever else.
Besides that the Mindlight 7 is AMAZING and can keep you busy for
a few days if you're an A-V freak. (it keeps me...)
All the stuff is real-time so what you can do is write you're own
piece of software wich handles the things you want.
I've the tel# of the programmer who maybe can help you
more than I can, E-Mail me if you want it.
  Michel Langereis
  UUCP:  ...mcvax!telmail!neabbs!amichel
  TheOldWay: +31 (0)20-742717