[comp.sys.amiga] Manx fexec

ricks@iscuva.ISCS.COM (Rick Schaeffer) (09/05/88)

I have just finished fixing Manx's fexec functions so that they work
with rez (ie: the stack pointer is stored in the called programs stack
rather than in the code segment).  I have the Manx library sources.  The
question is: can I post the fexec source as fixed by me...or can I post
a context diff for it.  I would also like to send it along to Manx but
don't seem to be able to get hold of their BBS.  Any help on this would
be appreciated.

On another subject...I have completed the port of RCS (Revision Control
System) to the Amiga except for those functions which require the use
of "diff3".  Anyone know of where I could get a PD source to diff3?  RCS
is working fine except for the "rcsmerge" program and the join feature
of "co"...but I would like to have those functions complete and working
before I post.

Rick Schaeffer          UUCP:  uunet!iscuva!ricks
ISC Systems Corp.              ricks@iscuva.ISCS.COM
Box TAF-C8              Phone: (509)927-5114
Spokane, WA  99220

jones@ingr.UUCP (Mark Jones) (09/07/88)

In article <1928@iscuva.ISCS.COM>, ricks@iscuva.ISCS.COM (Rick Schaeffer) writes:
> I have just finished fixing Manx's fexec functions so that they work
> with rez (ie: the stack pointer is stored in the called programs stack
> rather than in the code segment).  I have the Manx library sources.  The
> question is: can I post the fexec source as fixed by me...or can I post
> a context diff for it.  I would also like to send it along to Manx but
> don't seem to be able to get hold of their BBS.  Any help on this would
> be appreciated.

Posting the difference file would only allow those who have the original
to patch their code.  This should be OK.  Besides, the diff file was
created by you, and should not contain enough of MANX's stuff to violate
a Copyright infringement.

Just My Opinion

tegen@amnesix.liu.se (Clas Tegenfeldt) (09/07/88)

In article <1928@iscuva.ISCS.COM> ricks@iscuva.ISCS.COM (Rick Schaeffer) writes:
>I have just finished fixing Manx's fexec functions so that they work

 While at the Manx-fix subject:

 I heard someone had a fix for 3.60a (he called his version 3.60b). I would
 appreciate if someone could send it to me - I think I might have run into it
 (or another bug...). 

 I'll put it on Amiga User Group Swedens BBS to make it available to the rest
 of Scandinavia too. (I'm Sysop)

			AdvTHANKSance / Jonas

     ///  "Are you THE Zaphod Beeblebrox ????" # d85.j-petersson@linus.liu.se
__  ///                                        # jonas-p@obelix.liu.se   ,
\\\///    "No, just A Zaphod Beeblebrox.       # Night Hacker Society   (L_/T
 \///  Didn't you hear - I come in sixpacks !" # AUGSBBS: +46 13170660  #Z TT